Morning Update

Got some sleep, probably could have stood for a few more hours but oh well.

Yesterday impressed us all. Mrs. Weer’d was considerably more animated, she is now eating and drinking as well as using the bathroom on her own. She’s actually the least impressed with her progress only because the pain is really taking a lot of the fight out of her. When the pain is worst she doesn’t want to do anything, and when the meds kick in she’d prefer to be sleeping. That’s fine by all of us so long as she gets on the mend as quickly as she can so I can take her home.

According to the nurse who’s been doing such things for decades, the severe pain tends to only last about 36 hours which is right about now, so hopefully today the worst of the pain will subside and the Mrs. will feel more like doing those little things that most of us take for granted, but hospital nurses are rather impressed with.

Also the well-wishes are almost beyond belief (almost because I happened to be married to Mrs. Weer’d and know DAMN WELL she deserves every drop of support, and love!) my email boxes are filled, I’m sure her’s are too. The hit-counter here is through the roof. It really does help very much.

Ok I need to get pretty and catch a train. Have a good day everybody!

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0 Responses to Morning Update

  1. Lissa says:

    Yay!! Go, Mrs. Weer’d, go!!

  2. Borepatch says:

    Weer’d, this is great news. Here’s hoping for more of the same.

  3. Jennifer says:

    Here’s hoping today shows as much improvement as yesterday.

  4. Scott McCray says:

    Awesome – keep the good news coming! (I have a really good feelin’ about this!)

  5. quilzas says:

    Very glad to hear that the Mrs. is doing well! I keep not getting back here to check in as often as I’d like.
    My thoughts are with you both.

  6. Bob S. says:

    Thoughts and prayers for continuing recovery.

    Special thoughts and prayers for the Missus to know when to do what she should and to know when she shouldn’t do things — so that her recovery proceeds without delay.

    Keep up your strength and keep up the positive thoughts. Sounds like things are going really well, a relief to hear.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      yeah, she’s having a bit of a slow day. Pain is much less, but nausea and double vision and exhaustion are keeping things quiet. No release for shure today. Tomorrow evening more likely.

  7. NightPaws says:

    It’s SO great to hear the pain is less, I hope the nausea and the other nasty effects taper off soon.

    I’m glad to hear she is doing well. Thank you SO much for the updates. I’d hate to just hear about a friend’s hospital stay ages after the fact. I hope you can take her home soon. Hospital stays seem to make one appreciate a real bed oh-so-much! 😉

    On with the healing! Both of you take care- you’re obviously still in my thoughts up here.

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