Musings From Behind Enemy Lines

So I’ll get to the Gloomy Gus stuff first.

We had a killing frost that wiped out my Dahlias so I snapped a picture of them as a metaphor. This January we elected Scot Brown to the Senate Seat formally occupied by Ted Kennedy’s fat drunk ass. President Obama has done a horrible job in general, and tossed just about every one of his constituents under the bus. Electricity has been in the air, the electorate seemed very displeased, and challenger candidates were coming from all directions. Primary season was insane for Massachusetts when a few odd ball Republicans show up to run a half-ass campaign against the entrenched Democrat du-jour. This year we had strong candidates running serious campaigns. Also it seemed that a lot of the crooks, thieves and scumbags seemed to get caught with their hands in the cookie jar at the height of their campaigns.

Blah Blah Blah, fast forward to last night, the good guys lost….and in most cases not by a little bit either. I mean Martha Coakley, who is the poster child for inept Massachusetts hack politician, who was running against a candidate who staged the most successful sticker campaign in Massachusetts history in the primaries, and she whipped his ass….

I have become a LOT more cynical last night. I had previously made an Analogy about being a conservative living in Massachusetts being a war. At first I stated that living here was like being on the front lines of a war. Now I really don’t think that, I think Bubblehead Les has it right calling it being “downed behind Enemy Lines”, I’m not on the frontline fighting the enemy, I’m the resistance making mischief to slow the opposition until the main force can arrive.

This changes my mind when people say “Weer’d, move out of Massachusetts!” I originally scoffed and pointed out that without conservatives here the Marxist hordes would run rampant. Well, the Marxist hordes are running rampant, and I doubt we’ll have a chance like this again in the near future. It was their darkest hour, and they still beat us and bloodied us.

That being said, I didn’t move to Massachusetts for political reasons. I moved here for work, and because of the proximity to my family and my friends. At this stage in my life, even the Marxist Hordes don’t make it worth our while to sell our home, cut our losses and run. I will say when that day DOES come, I won’t be arguing about staying. So for those of you who CAN leave, maybe you should, but I understand why some of us really can’t.

Also on the other side of the pond Mike W. Reports that the Leftists in California would rather elect a Corpse than a Republican. That’s FAR GONE right there! RUN, gather forces, then SEND HELP!

Ok enugh of the Maudlin crap. While Massachusetts totally sucks, my wish list did have some good hits. Allen Grayson is now unemployed! Also Paul LePage won for Governor of Maine. Also for further smiles, note that Kay is none-too-happy about it. Come on, unhappy hate-filled bigots? WIN WIN! Also Buddy, and Blogfather Bruce MacMahon won a state rep seat in New Hampshire! Mike W. again reports that total shitbag Who Felt the need to assault a constituent because he didn’t like the tone of his question got handed his walking papers. Yeah! For more angry bigots, Daisy is pissed they elected a Brown Woman for Governor….well she’s upset that a conservative was elected. See race and sex only matter when REPUBLICANS do it. Cry harder Daisy, the creek is still low! Also Sean Reports that Wisconsin has flipped. Wisconsin is one of the few states that bans concealed carry (and given that its winters are like 6 months long and COOOLD, open carry is a severe inconvenience in general) they have a functional lobby that has been pushing through legislation, but it hasn’t been able to get past the Democrats in the Legislature and the Governor’s office. This should be VERY good news for the people of Wisconsin. I’m sure there are a million other points of bright lights, please share them in the comments. (also if you want to bitch, feel free, if that makes you feel better).

But as I said, SEND HELP. I do have some things to be thankful for, on the gun-control front, it appears to be a non-issue. Our anti-gun Governor has been chomping at the bit to ban guns and raise permit fees, but his attempts have been unsuccessful even in Massachusetts, but the laws still suck, and with our representation like the way it is, it will need to be settled in court. My big fear are taxes, and spending said taxes on Government abuse.

So while things look grim (and my flowers are dead) really things are not bad at all.

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0 Responses to Musings From Behind Enemy Lines

  1. Said tax money will also be spent defending the state’s gun laws. I guess that falls under the heading of “Government Abuse,” though. 😉

  2. bluesun says:

    Salazar is out in CO. Makes my day. I am still confused as to how the Republicans completely screwed up the governor’s race there, though. Talk about party politics.

  3. ZK says:

    I’ll admit I’ve considered moving, even with what it would do to my commute into the Boston area. But Massachusetts has a surprisingly large, fanatical, and fun firearms community and couple of great ranges…. and that’s enough to keep me for now.

  4. Wally says:

    I’m glad you can take the high ground here. I’m still amazed that our reps are still just as employed and just as useless. Thankfully the late count pushed LePage over the top.

    I give you credit for continuing the fight man. My folks fled in 96, I bailed in 98, just as the gun laws were getting refawkerated in PRM. It was bad then. I still have a lot of friends behind the wire though. And interestingly enough, all of them are gun owners. What is equally amazing is that many were on the left 15 years ago… and now they are all on the right.

    But it’s gonna be a lame revolution if you have to shop for preban mags first :^)

  5. Lissa says:

    There are definitely things I miss about MA, Weer’d. People — family and friends — are most of it.

  6. Gen says:

    Question for you, since you pay much more attention (that is to say, any at all) to politics than I do. Ok, so… Paul LePage won, and you’re happy… Reasons? Merely curious. I don’t get involved in politics, people-wise, generally voting referendums/questions (yup, I’m a Bad American…). Everybody up here seems to think he’s going to be the most awful thing to happen to the state in a long time. What’s the scoop?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Lots of reasons. First to be fair, given that I’m a Mainer in Exile, so I haven’t been following your Governor’s race as closely as I was following the Masshole one down here. That being said. Reasons why I like Paul LePage

      #1. Totally Self-made man, he grew up in a shitty poor home, and chose to be homeless rather than live with an abusive parent. Got his education and made his fortunes all on his own boot straps. He didn’t even learn English until he was a teenager. American Fucking Dream right there.

      #2. He made his fortunes running Marden’s which is a cornerstone of Mainer thrift, but also one of those businesses that is VERY risky. The fact that its so prosperous, and there are so many franchise stores shows he’s got a knack for numbers. Given that the economy sucks, this is a doubly important skill.

      #3. I like his straight-shooting cantankerous style. Frankly I see that as the Prototypical Maine working class way, and generally something that’s absent for politics in general. That’s a bit of a double-edged sword, but I personally admire it.

      #4. You can tell the quality of a Man by his enemies. If Kay from Maine hates him, he can’t be half-bad. 🙂

      We’ll see, politicians are politicians, and they will ALL break your heart, but I’m quite hopeful for LePage’s vision in Maine. We’ll see.

      • Gen says:

        Thank you for your insight and commentary. You may be in exile, but it’s self-imposed, and out of necessity, I understand. 🙂 I’ll have to actually do some poking around, I guess, to see why everybody else seems to think we’re now entering the End Times, and he’s Evil Incarnate. Dunno who voted for him (literally nobody I’ve talked to), but apparently enough people did that he won, soooo… here we are, for 4 years. Politicians are indeed politicians when it comes right down to it.

  7. Dev says:

    Arkansas did pretty OK.

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