November Wish-List

So the Boston Herald took this video:

Seems Congressman Barny Frank sent his boyfriend out to childishly heckle his Republican Opponent Sean Bielat, and this lovely video is my excuse to get this post out. In November what are you wish lists for Candidates to win or lose? Let’s do 3 in your home state, and 3 Nationally.

For Massachusetts:
BIG #1. I wanna see Barny Frank get his pink slip. Not only is he a big-government Marxist bastard, and a pathological liar, he’s a total asshole with a holier than tho attitude. He’s exactly what you DON’T want as a Representative of the people. Also added bonus, Sean Bielat seems like a pretty solid conservative candidate, so win-win!

#2. I want Charlie Baker to win the Governor’s race. Not only because Charlie is a decent candidate, but because it’ll throw out Governor Deval Patrick (AKA Obama Jr) and his Stalking Horse Tim Kayhill.

#3. Martha Coakley. Its hard to find a dumber, more inept politician suffering from entitlement syndrome and this dork. She got beat by Scott Brown, I’d like to see her get trounced by Jim McKenna who ran a sucessful write-in campaign during the PRIMARY. (I belive he was the first to EVER do this in Mass)


#1. Alan Grayson. Somebody described this shithead as “Internet Troll IRL”, seriously all the hate-filled leftist bloggers LOVE this shitbag, he’s an Embarrassment to America and needs to join the 10% unemployment numbers!

#2. Paul LePage He exemplifies hard-working, self-made cantankerous salt-of-the-Earth that I think of when I think of Maine. Yeah We TOTALLY need to elect this guy, he rules!

#3. Harry Reid: Need I say more?

Ok what’s yours?

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0 Responses to November Wish-List

  1. bluesun says:

    John Salazar in CO (where I get to vote!). He has something like 99% of the same votes as Nancy Pelosi–at which point the question becomes “Why do you even go? Why don’t we just give Nancy another vote and stop paying you?”

  2. deadcenter says:

    1) Raul Grijalva because I want to prove to the world that all us Arizonans are racist haters
    2) John McCain because he thinks that leadership by opinion poll is leadership and it will be one more reason for the “media” to stop interviewing his idiot daughter
    3) Raul Grijalva because he’s Raul Grijalva and has never met a spending bill he couldn’t load with pork and vote for

    Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer, Feinstein, Kerry, Frank, pick 3

  3. Bubblehead Les says:

    Dennis the Menace Kuchinich. Too bad he’s one District over, and will have to be dragged out when the “Gerrymandering” starts after the Census, but since it looks like the Repubs will control Ohio, one can have a tiny bit of “Hope and Change”.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Oh God! I forgot about that freakshow!

      Tho he isn’t as bad as say Congressman Frank, because he’s such a fringe loonie often even the other donks don’t give him the time of day.

      Still wouldn’t be half bad to be light that airhead!

  4. Borepatch says:

    Cadillac Deval. Just as incompetent as Coakley, and with a bigger sense of entitlement.

  5. John says:

    I don’t any of the idiots in West Virginia. Dig up Franklin, Jefferson, and Washington and let them run it.

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