One More Wookie

I wonder if there is a business that will set me up with a semi-trailer for discreet growing poppies for medical morphine.

Let’s face it, these people aren’t selling medical growing operations, they’re selling recreational pot farms. I see nothing wrong with legalizing this stuff, but can we quit with the lies?

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0 Responses to One More Wookie

  1. Phyphor says:

    It’s called prevaricating. I know of one person who does use it medicinally and many others who don’t (although they have the prescription.) But hell, even when it was illegal, lots of people still did it.
    Finally, lying to push your agenda is a time honored tradition in politics, so the answer to your “Can we quit?” is definitely not just ‘no’ but ‘FUCK NO!’

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I just don’t see the whole point. Then again the dorks in Cali seem to think that bogus prescription from Doctors who KNOW they’re violating their Hippocratic Oath writing it, does something good that simply requiring the same song-and-dance for buying a bottle of Wild Turkey (Which I know people who use it medicinally as well) wouldn’t do.

      I prefer the liars stay OFF my side.

  2. Phyphor says:

    The point is to get what they want.

    And yea, the whole point of including doctors in the loop is to ‘legitimize’ pot usage. The whole anti-pot movement keeps making out like it’s the most horrible drug ever (I guess they’ve never seen a tweeker who’s been up a week or they’d change their mind fast….and likely their pants.)

    As far as keeping the liars off your side, I think you’re kinda outta luck, I’m pretty sure that ship sailed years ago.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah that’s an ideologue lament, as there isn’t an issue out there where somebody hasn’t said something REALLY stupid to push their agenda. Just the whole ending prohibition of Marijuana thing is just paper-thin, when in the end we just need to look at its similarity to alcohol, and our own past prohibition of that.

      On the puritanical side the whole “Medical” Marijuana thing is a joke, as the number of bogus or broad ‘scrips are in the majority, and stories of dispensaries selling to people without scrips (some of them minor children) are not uncommon either.

      Many things in the world have therapeutic values, from health-food, to aroma therapy, to a moderate consumption of alcohol. But like these things marijuana is NOT Medicine, it is an intoxicating plant that is exclusively used for recreation.

      The scary thing is anybody who has looked into studies of this plant can see it really isn’t a big deal, but looking at the black market and underworld that is created by the growing and distribution of this plant is a VERY big deal.

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