
Joan Peterson of the Brady Campaign and the Joyce Foundation talks a little about Blogging.

Well, I think my blog has reached a milestone. I have now had over 30,000 views on this blog since I started it in May of this year close to the 10th anniversary of the first Million Mom March.

This blog interestingly enough is the same age and has had 65,000 page views…which is kind of a BS number, given that I might check my blog several times a day, and other people check back for new material. I like “Visits” as a better metric, and I suspect I’ll crack 40,000 tonight She notes that her readership is from all over the world. Mine too, tho I wonder how many are regular readers. Certainly I have regular readers from South Africa, Australia, England, Canada and Italy. Tho a lot of my odd hits from around the globe are google searches for things like the “Cobra Patriot” and the “Chiappa Rhino” or “Summer Sun basking” (not what you’d think, nor what I suspect others are expecting).

As you know, I don’t publish all comments. It would be a full time job to monitor, publish and respond to all the comments. But I do publish most of them. And then we are off to the races with back and forths until I get tired of the exchange- particularly if it is not leading anywhere or just a side bar to the issue at hand.

I think anybody who’s not had a comment published on Joan’s site know its a lie. I’ll also note that I do in fact publish all comments that don’t land in my spam trap, and probably 90% of my comments I directly respond to, and its hardly more than a few hours work a day….

I get a lot of advice, too. It’s pretty interesting to me that people I don’t know are so willing to get into it with me and give me advice. I try not to give others advice unless they ask for it.

Unless that advice is how one conducts their life as a firearms owner…but we’ve documented Joan’s relationship with the truth. I get a lot of advice here, and while I don’t agree with all of it, I’m glad to have it. That’s the fun thing about liking freedom, the more options you have the better you feel. Joan isn’t about options, or feeling good. She prefers to be thought of as a victim and have a narrow set of options.

Anyway, thanks everyone, again, for reading. I have a lot more to say so keep reading.

I will.

You might learn something new. You might get angry.

I doubt it. I see Ms. Peterson as little more than an idiot hauling water for free for the greedy shills of the ever shrinking gun control lobby. I do pity her.

In the end, maybe you might agree with me about a thing or two.

I doubt that even more.

And just maybe we can make some progress towards common sense concerning stopping the senseless shootings.

That would require you to have some common sense first, hon.

Surely we are coming at the problem from two opposite view points but nothing is impossible. I’ve learned a lot through this process and have actually made a few friends.

Heh, see what I mean about common sense?

Well Joan, I must say I’m thankful for your blog. I’ve always enjoyed exposing the ridiculous nature of anti-gun bloggers, but in the end that’s a bit of a fruitless endeavor, as I’m just lampooning a bunch of friendless bloggers talking about an unpopular topic, and exposing what can only be mental illness.

But Joan is also friendless, unpopular and mentally ill, but she’s sponsored by the Brady Campaign and the Joyce Foundation…so her unpopular friendless mental illness is THEIR unpopular friendless mental illness! Thanks Joan!

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0 Responses to Perspective

  1. kaveman says:

    “But I do publish most of them.”

    Hmmm… I’m pretty good at math and last I calculated, less than 30% of my comments make it through. I’ve never been abusive; I simply quote the Brady Campaign. That seems to irk her the most as she will not allow those truths on her website.

  2. Hmmm. I just checked. I started blogging because of her and the “20 Questions” post. My first post was 29 Sept, so tomorrow is 60 days. I have 12,630 pageviews.

  3. “And just maybe we can make some progress towards common sense concerning stopping the senseless shootings.”

    I agree that senseless shootings should be stopped. Criminals shooting innocents. Thugs killing for money. Those shootings should be stopped.

    I also think there should be more justified shootings. Citizens defending themselves. Filth being stopped. Let the slime be the victims for a change.

    You go, Joan. No more senseless shootings by scummy criminals. Put the guns in the hands of those that have morals, those that live honorably. Those that would even defend YOUR life.

  4. Old NFO says:

    Good post Weerd, and EXCELLENT points! 🙂

  5. Eck! says:


    Lest we forget.. If common sense were common, everyone would have it.

    That and every time I type commongunsense at the url bar I get as a search term questioning am I looking for common nonsense?
    Therein lies truth.

    We’ve traveled this road with other fools that believe their own version of “The Truth” and we know from way to many decades that these goods to have feet of clay. Calling Japete a shill gives here far credit than is due, though she seems to have made it her banner and cause. Continue on your quest Don Quixote.

    To that I will still insist, a notable lack of critical thinking is what continues to separate her from those that can think and question.


  6. Borepatch says:

    Hey Weer’d, you’re kicking the puppy again!


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