Quick Gin Review

While putting through New Hampshire, and going to grab a Father’s Day present for Dad, I saw that New Hampshire was having a sale on New Amsterdam Gin

Now the product name (and the fact that its bottled in Modesto California) is about as goofy as they come. Still the lines of the bottle and the price (I paid $20 for 1.75L) got me interested. The bottle doesn’t say much about the flavor of the gin, which is OK, as I find most tasting notes on just about all products, be they micro-brew beer, to Gins and other Vodkas, to Scotch and other Whiskies to be mostly full-of-shit.

After we got home, and a neglected load of laundry was tumbling in the machine I poured myself a stiff snort on the rocks.

This is tasty stuff, and just what the doctor ordered on a hot humid June night. Now first up, I’ll put a baseline that I consider the “Default” gin is Beefeater. Its a no-nonsense gin, and doesn’t try to do ANYTHING but make gin. Gin is in essence juniper flavored vodka. That’s what Beefeater is, and it does it well for a very good price, so I always keep a bottle handy. New Amsterdam still has the juniper note, but it is softened and brightened by some very light citrus notes. This gives it a very floral pallet in my opinion. I would certainly think this gin is much better suited for those who might not want the overpowering “pinetree” taste of junipers that is given by more traditional gins. It also does overdo the additional flavor, like I believe Bombay Sapphire does, where the juniper flavor is completely pushed to the rear.

The bright nature might make this gin clash a bit with more savory gin drinks, like a dirty martini. Still it would be an excellent choice (and something I fully intend to try) for a James Bond martini (and I feel the gin is light enough to avoid lightening it with vodka as 007 does….also DON’T SHAKE YOUR MARTINIS! Don’t, it leaves ice chips floating in your drink which quickly melt watering it down…let the gin chill in the shaker, then give it a gentle stir, or a simple swirl in your hands **if you don’t hear the ice moving you’re doing it right** then strain into a chilled glass) or anything citrusy or bright, like a Gin and Tonic, Tom Collins, or a Gin Sea Breeze.

Tasty stuff, and summer is really the season for Gin drinks IMHO.

And I don’t need to tell all of you to be grown ups and enjoy responsibly! : ]

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0 Responses to Quick Gin Review

  1. Dev says:

    Recommendation for a good martini vodka?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I’m not very into unflavored Vodkas, as by nature they’re designed to not have taste. Top shelf you start getting into nifty accent flavors which can be nice, but I don’t drink much of the stuff. I use three olives for my infusions because its cheap, well-made, and has almost ZERO flavor.

      But for an unflavored vodka that I’d put in a martini glass with a dash of vermouth and some olives, Grey Goose is what I have experience with. VERY strong mineral taste. Tastes like San Pelegrino mineral water with no bubbles and about 80 proof.

      That’s good stuff, but I’m not very versed in that field.

  2. bluesun says:

    I myself had a gin and tonic last night made with New Amsterdam Gin. Very tasty.

  3. Dixie says:

    … anything citrusy or bright, like a Gin and Tonic …

    Old and busted: Gin and Tonic. New hotness: Bitter Lemon. (Yeah, I don’t drink, so…)

    Plus, the gin part of a G&T used to be to mask the quinine in the tonic water. Since most companies mask the quinine flavor anyway, the gin’s a bit… cliche. A better drink would be a Gentleman’s Weekend or a Lace Panties. (Hey, don’t look at me, the sober guy makes the best bartender.)

  4. Pingback: Weer'd World ยป Gin Drinks

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