Quote of the Day: Cock Plant

Had Vector over for lunch, and to help us get the AC units back into storage. We were doing the man thing standing around the grill when he took a peek around the yard.

Vector: “Weer’d, Why do you have a cock-plant?”
Me: “Because Cocks don’t grow on trees!”

What that REALLY is is an unopened blossom of the Devil’s Trumpet Flower (Odd name, and I had known it as an “Angel’s Trumpet”…also they smell FANTASTIC, but very faintly)

But this blossom does kinda look like a dick.

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0 Responses to Quote of the Day: Cock Plant

  1. Sevesteen says:

    If you’re into that, do a google search for Peter Peppers. A hot red pepper with an accurately descriptive name.

  2. mike w. says:

    What are you compensating for Weer’d?….

  3. Bob S. says:

    Think you have problems if you believe that dicks are green.

    Thought a biologist, even a marine biologist, would know better.

    Obviously, you’ve been carrying a OD Green Pistol as a penile substitute for too long.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I don’t think you’ll be surprised to know that those OD Green guns (as well as the pink and other brightly colored guns) are generally unavailable here in Mass because of our Handgun Safety Roster.

      Too bad as I’m one of those radicals who thinks its kinda cool to see a gun dressed up in colors that aren’t black, silver, or wood-grain.

  4. Lissa says:

    *gigglesnort* Damn, and to think I stuck with boring old tomatoes and basil . . .

  5. Pingback: Weer'd World ยป Quote of the Day: Whoreticulture

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