Quote of the Day: Puppet Speaks

Joan Peterson of the Brady Campaign and Joyce foundation again shows very strange behavior for somebody claiming to posses “Common Sense”.

I have been advised to remove some comments because of their nature and my responses, not because of their nature but because I was advised not to respond to some commenters.

First up can you say SYNTAX ERROR? Wow that’s a convoluted little pile of words. But boy does it raise some questions. Advised by who? And what commenters are we talking about. Following the string of deleted comments I came to American Mercenarie’s Blog with this Quote from Joan:

You have to be kidding me, Are you serious? You are very scary. Leave me alone!!

I asked him what he initially said, as Joan seems to be the queen of phantom attackers, False Victim-hood and generally anti-social behavior. We’ll see what more can be dug up.

Sean has a backup of comments as they are made at Joan’s site. The comments are by “American Mercenary” (AM), and Joan Peterson (Joan)

AM: “Doctors kill more people through medical accidents every year than firearms do through accidental discharge.

So if a doctor is murdered, it seems like the universe is just trying to regain some balance.

Now that I’ve given you my flip and glib answer, here is the serious answer. In some professions you expect to make enemies, or at least people who intend to shoot at you at some point. Soldier, police, gang member, drug smuggler, people smuggler, mercenary, emergency room doctor, abortion doctor, etc.

Whenever you do something that pisses someone else off, you run the risk of them actually doing something about it. That the streets do not run red with the blood of the baby killing doctors is a testimony to the restraint of normal people.”

Joan: “You have to be kidding me, Are you serious? You are very scary. Leave me alone!!”

AM: “Japete; I spent a good deal of time last year in Iraq. I worked VERY hard not to shoot people. I succeeded even though I was carrying weapons illegal for civilian ownership in the US.

If you think “only cops and soldiers” need guns, guess what, I am the Army. Are you sure that you don’t want to rethink your position about putting ME in a position of lethal power over you? Truth be told I work very hard to uphold the oath I took to protect the Constitution against all enemies, and I know that the only legal justification to unleash the might of the US military on US Citizens is when they are in active, armed, revolt against the legitimate government.

The private ownership of firearms is a good thing, something that only free people can enjoy. Consider me “violent but protective” and consider criminals “violent but predatory”. That you cannot tell the good guys from the bad is very disturbing to me, especially since you sit on the board of an organization dedicated to whittling away at the rights of US Citizens.”

Joan: “Who said I said only cops and soldiers should have guns? Why did you put that in quotes. I did not say that. Don’t go putting words in my mouth AM. I’ve about had enough of you. Are you issuing a threat here? ” If you think “only cops and soldiers” need guns, guess what, I am the Army. Are you sure that you don’t want to rethink your position about putting ME in a position of lethal power over you?” I am pretty good friends with my local Police Chief and Sheriff. Get off of my blog, please. You will not be published again. The only reason I published this one is to let other readers know about people like you intimidating people like me. You are the prime example of why I wrote this blog. ”

Joan: “I have been advised to remove some comments because of their nature and my responses, not because of their nature but because I was advised not to respond to some commenters.”

There it is, you be the judge!

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0 Responses to Quote of the Day: Puppet Speaks

  1. I get her stuff by email, I’ll send them to you

  2. Bob S. says:

    To me it is absolutely amazing how often the antis claim to be victim when some of us have openly documented actual repeated threats.

    Threats that were made to me because I dared comment on the blog of someone’s wife — not nasty or threatening comments — just comments that disagreed with her.

    • Linoge says:

      Remember, though, Bob – to an anti-rights nut, disagreement is a threat. It is a threat to their faith, it is a threat to their desires, it is a threat to their self-worth, and, for some, it is even a threat to their livelihood.

      Until we “gunloons” stop disagreeing with them, they will never be ensured victory, and thus we are, indeed, threats.

      At least if you abide by their rules…

    • mike w. says:

      Yup, I remember Rob “I’ll punch your face in” Russell’s threat against you. The anti’s laughed it off as no big deal, just a joke.

  3. Old NFO says:

    Geez… she needs a life…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      As far as I know, getting unpaid chair positions with people who want to her about how her sister was murdered appears to be the full-extent of her life.

      And there we have the handfull of gun control advocates.

  4. Patrick says:

    She wants a reasonable discourse but is unwilling to talk about anything distasteful. And it boggles my mind about all the things she considers a threat. It is no wonder that she is fearful of guns. She can’t discern ANY threat from simple discussion.

    I thought AM made a good point. Although, I don’t know that she *has* ever said that she thinks soldiers and police officers should be armed. I know that is “typical” anti rhetoric but are we projecting words we hear all the time on her? Don’t get me wrong. She says enough on her own, but are those beliefs that she has actually spoken? For all I know she thinks all guns should be destroyed and *nobody* should have them.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      You’ll notice anti-rights advocates like to pick one or two subjects to talk about, and if their broader agenda surfaces they deny ever having spoken about that…but don’t actually admonish or praise the idea.

      Compare that with a Liberal dissenter bringing up Bush’s policies and implying that conservatives seemed to like Bush just fine….

      Her comment moderation is just a method to control and quell the opposition (Its worked too, as I don’t post comments over there anymore, Robb Allen made a single comment, and vowed to not make a second….and further back in my troll feeding days when Troll-X had open comments I’d have long well-constructed comments with references linked. Once I knew those comments had a 50/50 chance of ever seeing the light of day, it was only worth while to make short sniping comments….essentially to troll myself.) And her claim of victim hood is simply building the strawman to say that gun owners are violent and that somehow gun control advocates are the oppressed masses.

      Of course that she attempts to PROVE the assertions is where we clean up!

  5. AM says:

    I’m so glad someone saved a copy, I tried googlecache but that is hit and miss sometimes (depending on when the last cache was made).

    She told me that the Brady Campaign doesn’t want to ban guns, just “some” guns, with total bans at “some” places. That just sticks in my craw.

    It is quibbling, the act of a moral coward who tries to entice the gullible with the mantra of “common sense” while playing by Alinsky rules.

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