Serial Stabber

Looks like a very serious developing case involving a Serial Stabber

The number of victims of a vicious serial stabber has risen to 20 and the victims are now spread across three states, police officials said today.
Police hunt for the man they believe attacked several men across three states.

Police in Flint, Mich., Toledo, Ohio, and Leesburg, Va., are searching for a man who is connected to 20 stabbing attacks since May. Five of the victims died from their wounds, and the latest victim, Tony Leno of Toledo, remains in critical condition after being stabbed last weekend

The suspect is white, and the victims are all black, so it is suspected the killer is targeting victims by race. But the suspect IS using a knife rather than a gun to kill and injure his victims so this is a moral victory for gun-control advocates for all the dead and injured will never be “Gun Deaths” nor victims of “Gun Violence”. Don’t you feel better knowing that?

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0 Responses to Serial Stabber

  1. Cher says:

    It’s obvious that government needs to enact restrictions on knives. It’s working in Great Britain, is it not? Oh . . . no, it’s not.

  2. RuffRidr says:

    But the suspect IS using a knife rather than a gun to kill and injure his victims so this is a moral victory for gun-control advocates for all the dead and injured will never be “Gun Deaths” nor victims of “Gun Violence”. Don’t you feel better knowing that?

    This is a prime example of what I despise most about gun control advocates. They won’t say a word about this or ever do anything to try to stop crimes like this. They simply do not care about the crime aspect about it. It is obvious to me that they are more interested in having the government (and more specifically their brand of government) have complete control over the subjects, er I mean citizens.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      That’s why I’m doing these stories, and why there is the whole “Gun Death?” category. So that when somebody attempts to push a failed agenda by using the bullshit term “Gun Death” or “Gun Crime” (The best example being the story where Bloomberg proudly said NYC had the lowest “Gun Death” rate in many years….only problem is #1. The Police were cooking the books, #2 The MURDER rate was higher than ever….people had just switched to knives overall….another example would be is MS13 displaces a local gang. “Gun Death” and “Gun Crime” will likely drop, as MS13’s calling card is the Machete. To claim any good in an agenda using “Gun Death” or “Gun Crime” is to claim moral superiority to a dead body with its arms hacked off or its throat slit, or its skull caved in, over a dead body with a bullet hole.

      The “Gun Crime?” category here is to collect these stories so if somebody wants to claim that you can supply enough blood to amply soak them before getting back to a more reasonable debate.

  3. Thomas says:

    Does this mean that people are gonna care if you go into the convenience store to buy ice all covered in hog blood with a big knife on your belt??? Probably still won’t care, around here. 🙂

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