The Edge of Comfort

I’m sure everybody is talking about politics right now, so while we wait for the polls to chime in, I thought I’d talk about something I was musing about this morning. For some reason I got thinking about a concert I’d seen on TV of Madonna in the 90s. It was right around the time she had done Truth or Dare and her raunchy book Sex I remember seeing the film and being horribly unimpressed, given that I’d seen hardcore porn before. Overall he concerts those days stunk of attention whoring. People were all chattering at how edgy she was.

Its the same idea with Lady GaGa. There’s the meat dress, and the fireworks shooting out of her tits, and the bizzare scenes in her videos, like Telephone:

Neat video, and certainly pushing people’s comfort levels…but let’s face it, it only PUSHES people’s comfort levels. These artists aren’t really edgy, but people who can guage people’s fear levels well. But let’s cross the line behind the cut!

But let’s talk about an artist who obliterated people’s lines. GG Allin

Music Videos by VideoCure

That’s a fairly tame performance by him, and you can see how bizarre and on-edge he was. For some more views of GG’s life and performances check out this link. (note this video is 100% Uncensored, and VERY explicit).

So my point is that while Madonna embodied the bad-girl whore, and GaGa has the fireworks tits and the bizzare wardrobe ect ect, but back in the 80s and 90s GG Allin was performing nude and shitting on the stage.

So its not like the performances are THAT edgy, but just they’re edgy enough to get people nervous, but not enough to scare them away.

Oh and to sign off I’ll show how GG left this worldHe Overdosed on Heroin at a Party one night. They buried him, unwashed and unembalmed in a leather jacket and a jock strap, and his funeral was wild punk-rock party.

Fair Winds, and Following Seas, GG. Your Punk Rock RULED!

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0 Responses to The Edge of Comfort

  1. Lissa says:

    The sex and meat dress stuff just makes me raise one eyebrow and then dismiss it. The stuff I’ve never understood is horror movie snuff grossness. Saw in 3D? Why???

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Eh, those gross-out and jump-out scary movies don’t impress me either, because you can explain to yourself that it isn’t real, and generally the concepts behind the bugbear on screen aren’t actually all that scary, and on paper alone they’re pretty stupid.

      Now movies like Rosemary’s Baby, or the Exorcist, or even dark, but not horror films like The Machinist, plant dark little seeds in your mind that turning off the film, and turning on all the lights in the house simply doesn’t make go away.

      Now that stuff scares me.

  2. Pingback: Weer'd World ยป Play Me Out: Psychobilly

  3. David says:

    GG Allin’s grave is about a mile from my house. People get wasted and trash his grave from time to time. Awesome.

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