The Internet is Weer’d….

So Linoge remarks on the miracles of modern technology, and makes a Star Trek reference demanding a tribble.
BobG in the Comments has the same reaction I do about tribbles which is to recoil in horror. But thinking further on it I note that it WOULD be kind of cool to go to a shooting range where the backstop is seeded with tribbles. Just splatter them with pistol and rifle fire and wait for them to grow back. Which lead me wonder what exactly is INSIDE a tribble. Well a google search of “Tribble Anatomy” yielded me this page.

Doesn’t surprise me in the LEAST! For that is how the internet works, it is a strange place, and not for the faint of heart!

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0 Responses to The Internet is Weer’d….

  1. RobertM says:

    Hey, Weer’d, why do you wrap a tribble in duct tape?

  2. Blackhawk101 says:

    Ok- being an ardent Trekker I need to point out a couple of thinsg re: the much maligned Tribble.

    First off if you recoil in horror when confronted with a tribble you are obviously a surgically altered Klingon (see Arn Darvan). And actually with the beard its not much of a disguise! Tribbles and Klingons mutually hate each other- with Klingons recoiling in horror and loathing while the tribble emit an agitated high pitched warble. As such I am alerting Starfleet security about this matter…

    Second- tribbles do not regrow. Rather they are- according to Dr McCoy- born pregnant (which is quite a time saver!). AFter all when you overfeed a tribble you dont get a fat tribble but rather a whole bunch of hungry little tribbles! The planet that tribbles come from is inhabited by a number of predators that eat tribbles- as such they must reproduce rapidly in order to keep from being exterminated. So if you shoot a tribble they wont regrow- they will just be a dead tribble!

    For further info here is the link to Trouble With Tribbles:–the-trouble-with-tribbles

    Now- as an aside- in the above episode there is an inside joke well known to us Trekkers. When Kirk is buried under a pile of tribbles they continue to tumble out of the storage bin- more correctly they ROCKET out of the bin. Kirk (aka SHatner) keeps looking up into the bin as tribbles hit him, etc. Actually what was happening was two stage hands are on ladders and were supposed to toss tribbles randomly down the bin- instead they were apparently doing the old wind up and were doing their best Boston Red Sox pitchin impersonation! SO Shatner was giving the stage hands “the eye”!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Ok I was being flowery in my writing, I understand that tribbles don’t regenerate, but by “Grow back” simply I meant wait for the next generation to grow up, which doesn’t take long, and their asexual nature, with the exception of the ever-growing pile of slimy tribble guts it might-as-well be regeneration.

      Not a Klingon, worse I’m a BIOLOGIST! Species like tribbels (besides their blatant disregard for the laws of conservation of matter, ie how they grow so quickly without starving off) remind me of MASSIVE bacteria colonies, and that in itself should scare the shit out of you! 🙂

      Thanks for all the added trivia. From some of the stories I’ve heard, I myself wouldn’t mind beaning Shatner in the gourd with a prop tribble….:D

      • tommy says:

        Wait, you’re a Klingon biologist? Well, you’re a credit to your race,

        ~it’s not racist, some of my best friends are Klingons.~

  3. Old NFO says:

    Ummm….er… okkkaaayyy… NEXT 🙂

  4. Linoge says:

    I am rather surprised they have/need a brain, given they pretty much just sit around…

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