This Needs To Stop

Joe linked this video, go over there to see the picture he has up, its great. But this story really makes me sad.

We could discuss where the line goes with what is a violation and what is good safety if the TSA DID anything useful, but instead we’re paying this grave price for a gain of NOTHING, as their only “success” is catching terrorists AFTER their plans fail.

The next time I fly I’m opting out of the scan. I want to see it with my own eyes, and also if the TSA is going to violate me, I want them to get their damn hands dirty and have me glaring at them while they do it.

Disband the TSA today!

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0 Responses to This Needs To Stop

  1. Since TSA is obviously into getting their jollies off the new scanning, I think the way to make their day is to wear a “prosthesis” that would make Long Dong Silver jealous. I wonder who would get more flustered – the guys who were jealous or the women at the thought.

  2. Linoge says:

    No idea how well, or if, they work, but they are out there.

    More to the point, this is not going to end until we, the people, make it forcibly end – no amount of public outcry is going to deter these assholes from their authoritarian power trip, and no average American citizen wants to be the first gerbil on the chopping block (hell, I do not want to).

    If a significant portion of the country stopped flying, I could see that possibly working… but it is never going to happen.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I suspect they work well enugh for you to get stripped searched. Which could be a good or bad end-result depending on what you’re trying to do.

      Joe’s been pimping them because I suspect when he retires he’s fixin to cause some mayhem with the TSA.

  3. I have to fly back home for this Winter Break, and if I have to deal with that crap…I’ll turn on the waterworks. Loudly. While making my eyes look as huge and moe as possible. If that alone doesn’t make the TSA uncomfortable, trying to keep back the people whose maternal/protective instincts I just invoked should. πŸ˜‰

  4. TJP says:

    TSA videos:

    Apparently the above “vindicates” something or someone. I see a person who committed no crime against another person, so that’s all the vindication I need.

    So long as we continue to believe that there’s a different Fourth Amendment protection for every possible circumstance, then there’s technically no Fourth Amendment protection.

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