TSA: Touching Somebody’s Ass

Not much in the video but the audio show exactly how stupid and abusive the TSA is.

Money quote from TSA Goon: “By Buying your ticket you are waiving your rights”

Also interesting that most people were just going through the metal detectors while only a handful were selected for “Advanced Screening” that detects nothing, and stops no terrorists.

Disband the TSA today!!

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0 Responses to TSA: Touching Somebody’s Ass

  1. Pingback: SayUncle » How cute, they think they’re law enforcement

  2. dagamore says:

    While i dont like the TSA, and think they should be disbanded, there is a 4th amendment exception granted to the government/law enforcement, to search travelers when they are passing international boarders. If the TSA was only doing this on international flights, at least flights in to the USA, they would have more legal support for the types of action that they are taking.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Might be a valid idea…except for what we pay we get NOTHING. TSA has caught ZERO potential terrorists since their creation, and let several through.

      Nothing for something is ALWAYS a bad deal.

  3. TJP says:

    “While i dont like the TSA, and think they should be disbanded, there is a 4th amendment exception granted to the government/law enforcement”

    Sweet! Care to point it out?

    “Amendment IV

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Heh, well not to defend the indefensible, but every natural right comes with the right to waive it. That being said, arguing about if the TSA has the right to touch our genitals or not is the same with arguing if the government has the right to restrict access to personal firearms. The bottom line is gun control doesn’t save lives, and the TSA doesn’t stop terrorists.

      Disband the TSA today!

  4. Blackhawk101 says:

    I would like to point out that if buying a ticket waives ones rights then the TSA can profile at will- which is a good thing. SO stop with the old ladies and 3 year olds and start groping people such as Faleed ibn-Saleem and anyone dressed in a hijab. If your rights are waived then the ACLU cant sue.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yep, funny how that works. Kinda like how its private property rights to say “No Guns Allowed”, or to ban Christian Holiday decorations in your personal office space…but put a “No Musim Garb” or “No Blacks” or “No Homosexual” sign on your business and suddenly that shit isn’t cool.

      And yes I’m all for people opening “No Blacks” establishments, I think it would be awesome because those racist shitheads would get EXACTLY what they deserve!

  5. The TSA has gone out of all respect. WE can not believe it’s arrived at this in the usa. Occurrences regarding TSA agents behaving similar to Nazi’s and embarking on petty delusional power trips to harass everyday people have gone way out of control and yes it has to end immediately. Even disregarding the key issues of gross infractions of civil rights and decency, in truth that the large number of people have merely refused to travel to The usa anymore

  6. Kadoby says:

    If anything, this video showed that the TSA employees involved, for the most part, were professional, and explained the process very clearly. This guy clearly demonstrated a conscious effort to be an ass. As someone who practically LIVES at the airport, I’m somewhat concerned at the growing hatred towards the individuals tasked with protecting us.

    If security isn’t applied to everyone, then anyone wishing to carry something they shouldn’t on board an airplane will simply try to get the exception somehow. I don’t particularly like getting patted down when I fly, but I realize that it is a necessity. A terrorist organization is going to go for the most bang for its buck, and while there are other targets that are tempting, an airplane is still obviously a target, as we’ve seen with last year’s underwear bomber, the recent news with printer cartridges coming from overseas, and the myriad of other attempts by terrorist organizations.

    And I have a hard time believing that this is harming travel to the USA any longer, as Sarah Johnson states. Airport security exists in essentially every modernized nation and I’m having trouble thinking of just one country that DOESN’T have any form of airport security. And considering that in many countries, their airport security is armed, I highly doubt that the TSA is going to stop people from coming into or going out of our country.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Tell me about the bombs the TSA screeners have discovered and confiscated.
      Tell me about the terrorists they have detained and turned over to authorities.
      Tell me in concrete examples how the TSA has made us safer.

      The bottom line is the crap they pull is a violation of the 4th Amendment, and our dignity even if they did have some success stories.

      They don’t have any success stories, and that is why we hate the TSA, and why I question your sanity for leaving such a comment.

  7. Pingback: Weer'd World ยป Obama Doubles Down on Stupid

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