Why I carry All the Time

Because you never know when something like this may happen

MANCHESTER, Conn. (AP) – A driver caught stealing beer from the warehouse where he worked agreed to resign his job Tuesday and then as “cold as ice,” one of his victims said, went on a shooting rampage, killing eight people and injuring two before committing suicide.

Omar Thornton pulled out a handgun after a meeting in which he was shown video evidence of the thefts and was offered the chance to quit or be fired.

He was caught stealing beer from his company, and they were nice enough NOT to fire him, and what do they get? I have no idea if this was a “Gun Free Zone”, but certainly Thornton was the only gun in town, and when he ran out of people to shoot he killed himself.

Don’t the leftists say “If it could save just one life?”

Also I have noticed that some people on the lefty blogs are saying that people like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck who are pointing out (with good evidence) the similarity to President Obama’s goals to National Socialist Regimes, as “inciting Violence”.

After shooting his co-workers, Thornton called his mother, who tried for 10 minutes to talk him out of killing himself, his uncle Will Holliday told reporters.

“He said, ‘I killed the five racists that was there that was bothering me,'” Holliday said. “He said, ‘The cops are going to come in so I am going to take care of myself.'”

Now who’s the group that calls every action that is contrary to their world views “Racist”?

You’ll note that one of the dead was Thornton’s Union Representation, While he did complain of events in the past, I wonder how much was legitimate harassment, and how much was grade-A crazy.

I will bet good money that the “Racists” he killed and shot that day’s most “Racist” actions were to be in front of his muzzle after he snapped. This was not calculated, this was a spree.

This can happen anywhere, blue collar, white collar, big corporations, small businesses. One should always be prepared for such events, as while they are statistically very unlikely, in the off event that it happens to you, you will likely be in the most danger you’ve ever been in in your life.

Be prepared, and be safe!

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0 Responses to Why I carry All the Time

  1. Blackhawk101 says:

    This is why I secretly carry at work and have been for 16 years.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      In a workplace scenario concealed is a MUST. You could argue that maybe if the psycho knew you were packing and know how to use it maybe they wouldn’t do this….or maybe you’ll be the first person who finds out they’re here to massacre.

  2. Pingback: Weer'd World ยป “Gun Death?” International Edition

  3. Pingback: Yankee Gun Nuts » On Yesterday’s Tragedy in Manchester…

  4. Thomas says:

    Thomas vote, if you feel your life is worthless enough that you don’t mind the idea of prison, being executed, being interned in an asylum, or shooting yourself in the head, do us ALL A FAVOR and just start with the “shooting yourself in the head part” and cut out the middle drama bit.

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