Bigotry Loves Tragedy

I mentioned yesterday of people dancing in the blood that is flowing from the shooting in Arizona. Anti-gun people are blaming guns, left-wing people are blaming the right, right wing people are blaming the left. Authoritarians are blaming libertarians, Libertarians are blaming authoritarians. Seems that if you’re bigoted you look for any whim to support what is unsupportable.

Hell Fred Phelps blames the Homosexuals and abortion. Try to wrap your mind around that one.

From all I can gather this guy was just plain crazy, and was a total loner. He wasn’t a member of ANY groups, PERIOD, because he was so anti-social. He also likely won’t be able to grouped together with like individuals because he was so mentally ill that his thoughts and ideas don’t match anybody but his own twisted views. Think about it this way: Charles Manson tattooed a swastika in his forehead, but if somebody as menially dysfunctional had been alive in Nazi Germany he likely would have been one of the first people executed in the camps

One interesting thing I’ve read sofar is that the attacker was tacked as he attempted to reload his Glock.

Good on these people, its a brave move to take a stand against an armed attacker, but also one must consider how many may have been killed if nobody had resisted.

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0 Responses to Bigotry Loves Tragedy

  1. Jake says:

    What I find irritating is that even the ones who are very careful to say that he was just plain nuts and that it had nothing to do with politics are then going on to talk about “the inflammatory political rhetoric today” in a way that all but flat out says that’s why he did it and ignores their previous statements about how crazy he is.

    Personally, I think the only role politics played was making her a public enough figure for him to fixate on. If it hadn’t been her, it would have been some other public figure – she was just convenient, and accessible due to the public forum.

    Hell Fred Phelps blames the Homosexuals and abortion. Try to wrap your mind around that one.

    I do wish that if he was going to do this that he had picked that bastard to go after instead of, well, pretty much anybody else. While I would never advocate or support such a thing, neither would I shed a single tear if it happened.

    Good on these people, its a brave move to take a stand against an armed attacker, but also one must consider how many may have been killed if nobody had resisted.

    It’s good to see that kind of thing – it reinforces my belief that there is still some courage, bravery, and altruism left in this country despite the liberals best efforts.

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