Blogger POV

Oh BOY what a day! Lots of tasks to do, every task must fail at least once, and every task must be interrupted by two separate tasks! Not to mention that most of this work was done next to hot equipment whilst wearing a lab coat, or while bundled up in full surgical gown. Bah, glad to be home.

Worked out so maybe I can get rid of the nasty out-of-shape Weer’d that 2010 bred. Showered off the work-out funk and work funk and decided it wasn’t just time for a small-time drink, It was time for the FULL MARTINI! And in Stainless Steel!

That’s what Weer’d World looks like from the writing side! Really cool Martini glass, I have no idea where the Wife found it, but she gave it to me when we were first dating and I had just started getting into Martinis and collecting the glasses.

I will say I do love Stainless Steel!

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0 Responses to Blogger POV

  1. North says:

    My wife has a glass (glass?) just like that. She likes it a lot, but when I shake her a martini I use her pink flamingo glass. Tastes better that way.

    She is off martinis for a little while after having a 6 martini night.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      SHAKE martinis??? Are you fucking MAD??? Martinis must be STIRRED! Tho I personally prefer to pour from a height and aim for the side of the glass allowing the contents to mix in the air and chilled glass.

      The name of the game is the LEAST agitation of the ice and booze mixture possible, lest you have water, ice chunks and a cloudy cast to your drink.

      6 in a night? Yikes! She must remember the Golden rule of Martinis. One is too few…but two is too many!

      • North says:

        “Are you fucking MAD???”

        Yes. But the Mrs loves this loon. And whatever Lola wants, Lola gets. She loves the snow that I make when I shake.

        Six. In about 2.5 hours. Helluva woman.

        I had a friend die recently and I drank a bottle (except for a smidge) of Wild Turkey in about 45 minutes. Yes, stupid. Very stupid. Very. Only time I’ve ever done that.

        My son (15) compares the two occasions and still laughs at how drunk I was.

      • AuricTech says:

        As Dorothy Parker is quoted as saying:

        I love to drink Martinis,
        Two at the very most
        After three I’m under the table,
        After four I’m under my host.

  2. AuricTech says:

    Of course, many ranges won’t let you drink steel-jacketed martinis. 😉

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