Counter to the “Progressive” fallacy

I’ve always been pissed off that the modern followers of Marx’s teachings have taken to calling themselves “Progressives”.

They are whiners, who want to stick their nose into others business.
Rather than earn their own, they would prefer to take from those who have earned things for themselves.
While they will work so long as they enjoy the job they have, they will always choose to collect money from the public coffers.
They do not understand concepts like “Logic”, “Statistics”, or even basic “Math”, their world is entirely dictated by their feelings.
They are easily terrified, and would prefer to rid the world of things they don’t understand, be they guns, pit-bulls, Carbon Dioxide, or Trans-fats.

And while Marxists like Lennin, Castro, Guevara, and Mao fought on the battlefield to win their Socialist Dystopia, the modern so-called “Progressives” would rather sit back and let others do the dirty work for them.

I’m describing young children not Adults. To be more child-like is hardly “Progressive”.

So that leads me a possible counter-name to define all that are NOT “Progressives”.


Adults behave exactly how Adults should behave.

They have hopes and dreams, and work hard to achieve them. They don’t demand help from others.
They are moral people, and while they raise their family to best uphold their ideals, they don’t stick their nose in how others raise their kids.
They generally know the difference between public and private.
While the world is a scary place, they do not let themselves get scared away by things that are overblown away from actual facts and reality.
They try not to be a burden on others, and only accept help when it is both offered, and needed. They never demand something be taken from others for their sake.
If dirty work is needed to be done they do it themselves, rather than demand others do it for them.

As a great example of being an Adult, I give you Keith Anderson

Go read the story and watch the video. Keith Anderson is a Quadriplegic who takes NO public assistance because he can still work as a teacher. He could actually make MORE money on the dole, but he chooses to be an Adult where so many prefer to remain children.

I am absolutely amazed by Keith’s story!

h/t Michael Graham

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0 Responses to Counter to the “Progressive” fallacy

  1. Linoge says:

    One key detail I fear you overlooked: “progressive” is an adaptation of “progress”, which implies a destination. Something tells me identifying the destination of “progressives” would clear up your confusion ;).

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