Deafening Silence

I’m curious, the US has been waging war against Pakistan for some time now, now we’re doing it against Libya.

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Not to mention the troops being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan which the partisan hacks in the media don’t seem to have any interest in now that a Democrat, who promised to bring them home, is now in the White House.

How long before we start seeing the anti-war forces gather on the capital like we did over the last decade?

….don’t laugh.

**Update** I thought it, but Tam said it at Unc’s

Hey, can somebody tell me when Cindy Sheehan will be starting her vigil in Hyde Park?

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0 Responses to Deafening Silence

  1. Tam says:

    I gotta hand Cindy points for consistency: Apparently she was speaking against the Libyan action at a peace rally in Grass Valley, CA over the weekend.

  2. Jake says:

    Speaking of consistency…

    The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.

    [Barak Obama, written response to a series of questions regarding executive power from Charlie Savage, then of The Boston Globe, published December 20, 2007]

    I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning. It smells like… victory!

  3. mike w. says:

    I’m sure Mr. Savage of The Boston Globe just “misunderstood” Candidate Obama’s answer…….

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