Disband The TSA

…or just wait for them to all die of cancer.

U.S. Government Glossed Over Cancer Concerns As It Rolled Out Airport X-Ray Scanners…One after another, the experts convened by the Food and Drug Administration raised questions about the machine because it violated a longstanding principle in radiation safety — that humans shouldn’t be X-rayed unless there is a medical benefit…“Even though it’s a very small risk, when you expose that number of people, there’s a potential for some of them to get cancer,” said Kathleen Kaufman, the former radiation management director in Los Angeles County, who brought the prison X-rays to the FDA panel’s attention.

I will not step into one of those scanners. They are there to protect the Gate-Rapists from the discomfort of touching my penis. They have not, nor will they ever catch any terrorists or any domestic dangers. And they pose a cancer risk.

Still I suspect them standing around the machines day-in-and-day-out are in the greatest risk group there is.

…I can’t say they don’t deserve it either. They know what the 4th Amendment is, and if they haven’t read the arguments about them violating it its because they chose not to.

If they aren’t aware that their agency has accomplished nothing its because they aren’t interested in what their agency is accomplishing.

If they’re sexually assaulting innocent people under the false premise of safety just for the paycheck…let them use the check to pay for a coffin or an urn.

You have no sympathy from me.

Disband the TSA YESTERDAY!

h/t Unc

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0 Responses to Disband The TSA

  1. Suz says:

    Now we’ll have to foot the bill for lead aprons with badges.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      That’ll inspire confidence in the sheep, won’t it?

      Same with seeing several TSA goons all suffering from the side effects of Chemotherapy as they stand around the porno-scanner.

  2. Ruth says:

    They were denied rad counters too. I don’t have alot of sympathy for anyone in that job, but when I found that out I cringed.

  3. bluesun says:

    And yet there is always the “Apply for a job serving your country with the TSA!” ad in the newspaper.

  4. chiefjaybob says:

    I don’t have any sympathy for these bastards. They could find real jobs if they were willing to work and not violate our rights. What really sucks, to me, is that in 10 years these shit-bags are going to have a class-action work-comp claim that these devices were dangerous and they were misled and made to work with them. And who will pay for that? Two guesses, and the first one doesn’t count……

  5. Linoge says:

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but simply being in the vicinity of those x-ray scanners is bad for your health – anywhere along the “open” plane of the scanner is receiving a dose of ionizing radiation (mitigated by distance, of course), and especially directly above the devices.

    That said, I work at business where there is the remote, massively miniscule chance I could be exposed to certain types of radiation. However, that chance is sufficiently large that all employees, even those who do not directly deal with radioactive materials, must wear dosimeters. Likewise, professional radtechs/x-ray operators at hospitals also wear dosimeters.

    The TSA? Not a dosimeter to be seen. And they have their blue-shirted weenies stand in the gorramed scanners when they are not being actively used.

    I would almost feel sorry for them, despite their choice of employers, except that level of ignorance in this day and age is patently inexcuseable.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah frequent fliers need to be wary of their exposure (not sure really how as rad-badges are verboten in the TSA areas…which I think is illegal…but so is everything the TSA does anyway)

      But if anybody is going to get a lethal dose of X-Rays its the Thousands Standing Around the scanners day-in and day-out.

      If they aren’t aware of the realities of their job, that’s an intentional move on their behalf.

      Zero sympathies for their short criminal lives.

  6. deadc56 says:

    Justice would be putting a radiation emitting device of similar intensity, for 8 hours a day, right next to the elitists that authorized and pushed for those idiot machines. I have no sympathy for the drones on the line, but face it, the true criminals through-out history have never given a flying fart for the welfare of the pawns that they use to carry out their criminal activities anyway. If anything, the elitists Relish the suffering experienced by their minions because it gives the elitists ammo for the propaganda squads to exploit, either for sympathy or outrage.

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