Does Anybody Still Buy This Crap?

So Joyce Foundation Shill Media Matters has launched a new shill-o-thon that they call “Gun Fact” which appears to be just an aggregation of Joyce BS. What amused me was this dorky hit piece

The National Rifle Association works hard on its image.

They’d like you to imagine that the NRA’s board is made up of people who are primarily interested in hunting, target shooting, gun collecting, and other mainstream pursuits.

Does anybody buy this crap? Yeah George Washington crossed the Delaware to get to his duck blind before sun-up, and I’m carrying a 16oz Sub-nose .38 on me because I might get a chance to shoot a target. And certainly the ads that the NRA national Rifleman for compact carry guns, and concealment holsters are all about hunting and target shooting.

I know people who read this blog get that, but I don’t even think the average guy-on-the-street still has that Elmer Fudd Mentality about gun ownership. Certainly that’s evident with the consistent repeal of crappy gun-laws, and shooting down of new travesty laws. And case-in-point.

The gun-obsessed lobby pushed concealed carry legislation in Wisconsin for years. Now we can all start packing heat but apparently it still is not good enough. Now a “castle doctrine” bill is getting some movement in the legislature. This legislation would allow people to use deadly force if someone breaks into their home or business. It would allow a person to use deadly force whether the intruder was armed or threatening or not.

Yeah because an intruder in your home is totally non-threatening. Generally the lead reason for a B&E is to use the bathroom and politely ask to borrow a cup of sugar.

And of course anti-rights advocates are aiding and Abetting criminals where they give the benefit of the doubt to the criminal committing a violent act over the law-abiding citizen who has done nothing wrong.

Honestly, do you REALLY want criminals to know that they are safe when they break into homes, or know that even if we SUSPECT they might be up to no good they could get good-and-dead.

People should FEAR antisocial behavior, and lawful people should be secure in their homes.

Also I love how the pro-criminals like to equate self-defense as “Vigilantism”, yeah that’s JUST what that is.

These are not rational people.

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0 Responses to Does Anybody Still Buy This Crap?

  1. MAgunowner says:

    Joan Peterson’s first Joyce-funded post was titled “Who runs the NRA?” I can say now that I know who runs Joan.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Joan is the communications director of “Protect Minnesota” which is yet another Joyce Astroturf, so most of her backing is Joyce monies.

      Tho really Joyce and Brady have become so intertwined these days they’re mostly indistinguishabe.

  2. thirdpower says:

    Well Joan is a mix of the two. She’s a board member of both the Brady Campaign and a Joyce puppet.

    Quite an incestuous lot they are.

  3. Braden Lynch says:

    I was thinking conjoined twins; joined at the brain or at the “hoplophobe bone”.

  4. Braden Lynch says:

    Also, with millions of members, the NRA is likely to have several with some character defects. I think we would renounce any neo-Nazi or KKK members if they crawled out from under their rocks. Meanwhile, the BC likes to endorse criminal sports figures.

    I would believe that the number of wackadoodle members of the BC is demonstrably higher. Proof: There is a constant chant for more USELESS gun control schemes and for various bans that are unConstitutional. Them seem to have no ability to use well-founded statistics, facts, or even simple logic. Their social media feeds are full of rants that are based on emotions, not facts. Hmm…who has the image problem here?

  5. Patrick says:

    At least they recognize that hunting, target shooting, gun collecting are mainstream pursuits…. Maybe we are winning. LOL


  6. Old NFO says:

    Sigh… gotta read it just to keep up with the stupidity… I want criminals to be SCARED to break into a house, in fear for their lives, because they KNOW people are armed…

  7. Jack says:

    And note they’re still fighting yesterday’s battles.

    With Wisconsin there’s now only one state with no CCW (though really there are still 8 where it’s Shall Issue or Might as well be No Issue).

    Note that the antis consider something in over 4/5 of the states and over 2/3 of the US population as “fringe”.

    Though the media has done a wonderful job obscuring that. I know plenty of casual gun folks that are shocked when I tell them how many states are Shall issue and Constitutional carry.

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