Ok there are some people who are on a Crusade against FPS Russia for his silly gun videos. Frankly I think his videos are fun and interesting enough that he does more good than harm. That being said I gritted my teeth through most of this.

I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt with his treeline backstop that is in most of his videos. I have no idea what’s beyond those trees. Could be a family daycare, could be 50 miles of virgin forest, or anything in between. Still running a simulated door breech with no eye protection is SERIOUSLY DANGEROUS! There’s a reason why Old Painless wore a full face shield when he tested breaching rounds. There are times when safety precautions can be a bit overzealous. Like shooting .22 subsonic out of a rifle, or shooting subsonic suppressed ammunition without hearing protection. Also just sending lead down range the risk of a spent shell getting in your eye, a ricochet or a catastrophic failure is small enough that if you left your eye protection in your other coat, I might be so caviler to simply do my day’s shooting and just be more careful next time. Of course I don’t carry a gun every day because I’m an optimist. Better safe than sorry so wear eyes and ears whenever you’re shooting. I also think that suppressors should be taken off the NFA because they simply make shooting guns that much more safe.

Dimitri, you have pretty eyes, it would be a shame if they got range debris in them from making fun videos. Get some eye protection, bud, and make those videos safely. The chances of you actually NEEDING eye protection is small (tho doing interesting shoots like he does increases the risk a good deal) the amount of ammo you send down range you’re looking at your number coming up. Be smart, be safe, have fun!

h/t Wraith

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0 Responses to DON’T DO THIS!

  1. Jake says:

    Cool video, awesome gun. I agree with you 100% on the eye protection.

    Not only does he have pretty eyes, but the rest of him isn’t bad either! 🙂 And he likes guns!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I dunno I never got the idea of a full-auto shotgun. Essentially a Shotgun is just a more efficient SMG…making it full auto doesn’t seem to bring much else to the table. And you get for this question seeking an answer is a big-heavy gun that is empty at the blink of an eye.

      OK, I will agree he’s a really good looking dude! Don’t need to be gay to notice that! 😉

      And damn I need to work out more!

  2. Robert says:

    There are times when safety precautions can be a bit overzealous. Like shooting .22 subsonic out of a rifle, or shooting subsonic suppressed ammunition.

    Those two sentences seem incomplete. Did you mean “Like wearing hearing protection while shooting .22 subsonic out of a rifle, or shooting subsonic suppressed ammunition”? Because I can’t figure out what you meant there.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Indeed it was! Fixed. Been a bad grammar week here at Weer’d World. I’ll have you know I have docked my pay for a week as a compensation! 😉

      In all seriousness, thanks for pointing that out for me!

  3. 45er says:

    I am by no means stuck up and think I have a pretty good sense of humor. I think most of the stuff is pretty funny. However, this one and the one where they put the burgers on the Mosin bayonet were pretty horrific.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah I got what they were doing in that video, and it wasn’t my thing, but I was even able to shrug that one off.

      Door breaching without eye protection is just ASKING to be put on the waiting list for a cadaver cornea.

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