Dude 420!

Just thought I’d put up a pot-friendly post for April 20th.

First here in Mass where recreational Marijuana is mostly legal (not the sham that is “Medical Marijuana”) Cops can’t use the smell of pot as probable cause.

The smell of marijuana smoke is no longer enough reason for police to order someone out of a car, now that pot has been decriminalized in Massachusetts, the state’s highest court said in a decision published on Tuesday.

Fair enugh.

Also there’s a nice Reason article up too.

Smoke them if you got ’em! Me I think I’ll just have a glass of gin when I get home.

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0 Responses to Dude 420!

  1. mike w. says:

    Wow! One of the few things about Mass that I actually like and agree with.

    To play devil’s advocate though, wouldn’t the smell of weed smoke be obvious PC for DUI/DWI? I mean it may be legal, but if you’re driving stoned you are definitely still committing a crime.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      We also let two dudes or two chicks get married. They made it law in a shady way (It was a Supreme Court Ruling….yeah John Adams totally was pro-gay…NOT!) But I’m not going to cry too much of a river over a basically good human rights issue.

      As for DWI I thought about that. I mean they can ask you out of the car if they smell the PBR on your breath…but they also have a test that can determine how intoxicated you are right then. Most marijuana tests just say if you’ve used recently, not if you’re high right now…also I don’t know of any legally intoxicated numbers available.

      So even if it was a DWI how do they charge?

      Personally I think we just need to legalize the stuff, sell it to 18 or 21+ people with photo ID at your local Convenience store or supermarket, tax it if you must, and start dealing with the legal and social issues with people recreationally using this drug. Like DWI.

  2. Lissa says:

    oh, fleh. Gin and pot? Are those my only two options?

  3. Pingback: Dope. « Whipped Cream Difficulties

  4. guffaw says:

    I used to know a cop who had an allergic reaction to THC in smoke! Broke out big time. Had courts agree with him. ‘Course, this was 35 years ago.

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