Dumb Laws

So Bob has a post up that reminds me of “Gun Death”

On Tuesday, the City Council asked city staff to begin drafting an ordinance for consideration that would prohibit drivers in Arlington from using cellphones unless the devices are hands-free or voice-activated.

Much like “Gun Death”, “Cell Phone Accidents” is a stupid made-up metric that means nothing. Much like in the “Gun Death?” Files it shows that there’s little difference when somebody is shot, stabbed, beaten, choked, drowned, burned, et al. Dead is dead, and to use a bizarre metric like “Gun Death” seems to avoiding the real issue. Same with this instance does it make a difference if an accident is caused by texting, talking, dropped a cigarette butt, eating cornflakes, playing with a child, playing with a dog, picking their nose, applying makeup, changing the radio station, changing CDs, adjusting the MP3 player, fiddling with the GPS, masturbating, drunk, high, or just a fucking horrible driver?

Either you had an accident or you didn’t, and it was either your fault or the other guy’s fault. I suspect Texas has a similar law to Massachusetts “Distracted Driving” law, but Mass also felt the need to put a special law on cellphones. Stupid, and pointless.

Hey but at least it’ll accomplish nothing!

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0 Responses to Dumb Laws

  1. AuricTech says:

    “Hey but at least it’ll accomplish revenue enhancement!”


  2. Tom says:

    And once again New York already has this law. “if it saves one life it’s with it”… NO, IT ISN’T!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah unless that life is a young woman walking through central park, or some tourists who took a wrong turn in Boston.

      FYI this weekend Jesse told me a story of he, Vector, and another friend (all super-pale Engeneers, and uber-g33ks) who mistakenly thought that Quincy Market was in Quincy Mass (Its actually in the North End), and their late-night quest to Quincy had them stopping for Gas in one of the more nasty gang-infested areas on the Southern Side of Bean-Town. They were lucky to get out OK.

      Those lives, just like the lives of people stabbed, beaten, or strangled, simply don’t count to “Progressives”

  3. Bob S. says:

    And like “gun control” they want to enact rules that affect the majority of the people based on the extremely small minority who caused problems.

    Hey but at least it’ll accomplish nothing!

    No, I think it will accomplish much.
    It will get people used to agreeing with the government about any non-problem that comes up.
    It will get people looking to the government to solve the non-problem.
    It will get people used to the government controlling aspects of their lives that shouldn’t be any concern of a government.
    It will get children used to nagging parents to stop doing a “bad thing” — as defined by the government.

    Notice how each generation accepts just a little more creeping nanny-statism then the last?

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