For My Homies in Buxton

You know who you bastards are! This is from Zelda and Waldo who invented the most Buxton drink EVER!

I give you the Buxton Carbomb

That would be a shot of Allen’s Coffee Brandy dropped into a glass of Bud Light.

I was told by an innocent bystander that night that “It isn’t as awful as you might expect”.

Seriously, that is so fucking Buxton that if you have more than 3 teeth you probably won’t understand it! If you don’t ride to church every Sunday on your Skidder the Buxton Carbomb isn’t the drink for you.

If you have never intentionally hit a deer because you were hungry, please discontinue use of the Buxton Carbomb.

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0 Responses to For My Homies in Buxton

  1. Wally says:

    Here’s to Zelda and Waldo for putting Compton on the map!

  2. Zelda says:

    Haha, awesome! I can’t take credit for this, I was just forced to drink it out of location and peer pressure. I’m pretty sure the Buxton Carbomb is a result of Jeremy and Waldo drinking a lot.

  3. Dwight Brown says:

    One question:

    Do you set the brandy on fire before dropping it into the Bud Light?

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