For Those of You in PA

Looks like CSGV is doing the same thing in PA that they’re doing here in Mass.

Its almost identical to the ad put out for Scott Brown, its all about domestic abusers getting guns because of HR 822…which is a lie given that those people can’t own guns, no matter what permits they have.

BTW this got me thinking about the Mass Permit system. If this passes, and let’s say you have a Maine or New Hampshire permit. If this law passes you can now carry in Mass with that permit…only you don’t have a permit to OWN that gun in Massachusetts! Of course this law is totally unconstitutional both under Federal law, AND our State Constitution….but the anti-rights people have never been lawful in their acts.

Speaking of that Mayors Against Illegal Guns has also created an add.

Honestly should a group that is often in the back of a cop car be speaking for the cops?

That’s like a drug dealer and junkie asking us to give up our guns!

Thanks, but no-thanks. We’ll be the Good Guys on this issue, and you just keep doing what you’re doing.

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0 Responses to For Those of You in PA

  1. alcade says:

    “Honestly should a group that is often in the back of a cop car be speaking for the cops?”

    No, especially given that the vast majority of rank-and-file law enforcement is pro-carry.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yep, as somebody who spent a lot of time in Police stations talking about gun laws I’m amazed at the void between the chief and the ground-pounders. They all carry guns, but the group who know that they stand a chance of pulling that iron, or have secured a crime scene would really like to see more good people packing heat because they know they can’t catch all the Mike Bonomos.

  2. RedeemedBoyd says:

    That’s disgusting…thanks for the tip, my friend. it’s time to turn on the machine here and fight back with truth and facts. We fight so unfair, don’t we?

    Alcade: The biggest issue with police departments is that to be appointed to any sort of significant authority (chief, et al) you need to be in cahoots with a politician somewhere to do it. Corruption breeds corruption, and it kills otherwise solid institutions.

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