Full Circle

Have you noticed that if people try too hard to correct a problem with government action they often achieve just the opposite. Like People totally fed up with the policies of George W. Bush, so they elected a Democrat who is politically identical to him.

Then there’s Germany:

following Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement on Monday that she was “glad” Osama bin Laden had been killed was among the most hotly debated topics in the German media this week.

Politicians, including those within her own center-right coalition, said that no death was cause for celebration, and reproved the remark as un-Christian and vengeful.

But Hamburg judge Heinz Uthmann went even further. He alleges that the chancellor’s statement was nothing short of illegal, and filed a criminal complaint against Merkel midweek, the daily Hamburger Morgenpost reported Friday.

Post-War Germany has been so adamant against letting the National Socialism that brought them into the 2nd World War, that they have passed sweeping laws against politically incorrect speech, and ta-da they have become what they fear the most.

Scary, Huh?

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0 Responses to Full Circle

  1. You are SO right. I noticed that hypocrisy when I lived there, and I was only a kid.

  2. mike w. says:

    Those who fail to learn from history……..

  3. Matt W says:

    The same thing can be said of the attempt to enact overbearing gun control laws. The results would likely be that law abiding citizens no longer have guns to use as a force multiplier in defending themselves, but criminals would still have their guns. With a lot less deference, you will get an increase in crime and violence involving guns. Funny how that works.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Or the war on drugs used to protect people from dangerous substances, and instead creating an underworld economy for violent street gangs to thrive, as well as a militarized police that serve no-knock warrants under the dark of night with short barreled shotguns, and submachine guns….

      See also the prohibition of alcohol and what it was “Protecting” us from.

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