Good Racism/Bad Racism

This is one bit of American culture that disgusts me. We overall state that racism is a bad thing, and to be called a “Racist” is a massive insult…but at the same time there is so much blatant racism that is 100% acceptable. David Duke Is political Kryptonite because of his Involvement in the Klu Klux Klan (and rightly so) but Barack Obama got elected President dispite being an active member in Trinity United Church of Christ. Michael Richards has vanished from the public eye because he got caught on film calling a bunch of hecklers N*ggers, but Jesse Jackson is constantly on TV dispite his hateful remarks about jews. And this isn’t a left or right thing….just as Juan Williams!

Now there’s this:

First up this is 100% bullshit. Spelling Bees are about as cheap as they come to train for. This isn’t Equestrian, where one needs a horse, or swimming or diving where one needs access to a pool, or Skeet where one needs a shotgun and access to a skeet range, or Golf where one needs clubs and a course. All of those things can be prohibitively expensive and may not be available to large sections of the population. Spelling all you need it a dictionary, a public library, an aptitude for spelling, and hard work!

Also set aside the fact that the proponent of this on the interview sounds so stupid I question if she can read or write.

But this IS segregation, and this telling Black kids that they are DIFFERENT from other races.

This is racism…and guess who isn’t getting called on it. It frankly makes me sad.

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0 Responses to Good Racism/Bad Racism

  1. Paul Kanesky says:

    Weer’d, I’m glad you used the expression “makes me sad” It is so true what you said regarding the reverse discrimination we see today– Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, J. Jackson etc. These men have made themselves rich at the expense of the very people they supposedly represent and claim they are trying to help. They have set back the progress Martin Luther King made on the issues of equal rights. I think about the NAACP and several other organizations propounding equal rights and wonder what their reaction would be if we established an NAAWP.
    Back in the heyday of the KKK many abuses occured but the times have changed and these abuses are no longer tolerated.
    When I see the President of the United States say “The Police acted stupidly” In the case of the Professor, breaking into his own home, who refused to show I. D. when asked by the police I see an assumption of white guilt. I would be thrilled to show I.D. if I were caught breaking into my own home as I would see the Police doing their job well.
    We all have the right to equal opportunity. We do not have the right to equal outcome.
    Paul in Texas

    • Weerd Beard says:

      One correction you say “Reverse Racism”, there ain’t no “Reverse” about it. Judging (specifically on a negative sense) based on one’s race or heritage is RACISM. There is no difference between President Obama hating me because I’m White and David Duke hating President Obama because he’s Black.

  2. Sendarius says:

    If I was elected to Congress, on what grounds would I be eligible to join the Congressional Black Caucus?

    A certain skin colour is required? You’re kidding me!

  3. Pat says:

    Our local Houston talk show host has been talking about this for over a week. He drug one of it’s proponents though the dirt either yesterday or the day before. He has been on a kick about the rasism thing lately and I totally agree.
    The question is how do we put a stop to racist adults that tell their own race that they can’t keep up wih the other kids so wee need special consideration or special spelling bees. This is different from other races calling us racist. The best way to stop that is to stop caring. Stop curling up in the fetal postion when someone uses the “R” word racist. The best response that I’ve heard is, “your entitled to your opinion and that’s all it is your opinion. But for your information I hate everyone equally.” Say it with a smile.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Not to pick on Paul, but I would say the best way is to call people on their actions. If you do something inherently racist don’t go to your PC playbook and decide if it warrants a flag on the play, or if you can qualify it “Reverse Racism”. Call it RACIST.

      I think the big issue with racists in America is that nobody is willing to call them on it. I mean the dude with the Swastika tattooed on his bicep talking about n*gger this, and n*gger that, we will call him on his behavior, but this brain dead woman claiming blacks somehow can’t spell as well as whites so they need special treatment…or our President saying he didn’t have all the details but was sure Cambridge police Acted Stupidiy…or the racist comments made by the Harvard professor to the Cambridge Police. We need to stand up against this crap and let them know hating whites because they are white is no more-or-less racist than hating blacks, Hispanics, Jews, French, Canadians, Irish……

  4. RobertM says:

    Separate is inherently unequal, as long as it’s cracker promoting it.

  5. Sailorcurt says:

    The guy in your clip arguing against this hit it out of the park (so to speak)…especially with his Jackie Robinson quip.

    For close to 100 years the black leadership of this country fought a valiant fight to get blacks desegregated and treated equally.

    They won.

    Then some in the black community discovered that equality is hard. That success in an equal world requires effort and dedication and struggle. Apparently inequality and segregation is easier than equality.

    Who knew?

    Dr. King would be rolling in his grave.

  6. Braden Lynch says:

    I love pointing out that the idiot in the White House is bi-racial. He’s not black, and he’s not white; he’s both. So, for all of the liberal idiots who wanted to feel good about themselves for electing a “black” president, please note you were fooled!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Honestly there is no such thing as race, in the cultural sense of the word. There is heredity and gene pools, but in a society where high-speed travel exists as well as global migration, everybody has a little bit of something tossed in.

      Throw in cultural changes and biases and it gets really silly. Back in the day Irish and Italians were deeply discriminated races, so much that people hiring help would note “No Irish May Apply” and such….now Irish and Italians are just considered “European” and are lumped into the same pot as the white Europeans that were discriminating against them.

      Just for spice used to be on the official US Census our president would be legally categorized as “Mulatto”, but now such a term is considered a racial slur.

      No such thing as race, anybody pushing that shit is a racist asshole.

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