Great Post

From Linoge

My rights are not subject to any polls, studies, statistics, opinions, or arguments. PERIOD.

It simply does not matter how many people, groups, organizations, or agencies support “gun control” – no number of people approving of the basic abrogation of human rights makes it appropriate or acceptable… or are you saying that if enough people were sanguine with it, we could start enslaving the blacks again?

Now these statements are often framed in a 2nd Amendment context, but really it’s far more vast than this. We recently talked about a blogger who’s against gun rights…but is also against the 1st Amendment right to petition the government. Lots of anti-gun bloggers talk about registration and safe-storage laws that demand inspections by Law Enforcement without probable cause or warrent. That’s the 4th Amendment.
People who want to ban guns and knives also like to ban things like cigarettes, prescription dugs, continue the losing war-on-drugs, things like Four Loco, trans fats, etc, etc.

Essentially my take-away from this is that there are two kinds of people, those who feel that human rights are granted by governments, and subject to permissions and negotiations, and there are those who don’t.

One of those groups is your enemy, and a give them NO Yield.
“Necessity was the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It was the argument of tyrants; it was the creed of slaves.” –William Pitt the Younger

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0 Responses to Great Post

  1. “My rights are not subject to any polls, studies, statistics, opinions, or arguments. PERIOD.”

    My rights are not subject to the specific words or even the very existence of the Constitution. My rights are given to me BY GOD. The constitution exists as a rule book to remind government the laws that they had better not break.

  2. Linoge says:

    In the end, all rights are equivalent – someone who would deny another sovereign citizen the right to self-defense – especially the right to self-defense – would just as soon deny them the right to free enterprise, or the right to equal treatment under the law. I have no use for such petty authoritarians, and I would no sooner “negotiate” with them than a black man would negotiate with a slaver.

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