Gun Control “Success” Story

This is a great story of how gun control works.

The Secret Service now suspects that a bullet fired in this incident may have hit the White House after a bullet round was found in a White House window, though the round had not yet been conclusively linked to the incident. The round was stopped by ballistic glass behind the historic exterior glass, while an additional round has been found on the exterior of the White House.

Police believe the suspect, 21-year-old Oscar Ramiro Ortega of Idaho, is mentally ill. Ortega has an extensive record, ranging from domestic violence to drug charges. Sources say a police investigation has uncovered evidence suggesting Ortega has a fixation on the White House.

No idea if his mental illness made him a prohibited person under the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968, but his domestic violence, drug charges sure would.

Also its illegal to bring a rifle into DC without a permit…also its illegal to have normal capacity magazines…also its illegal to load it in your car…also its illegal to fire shots in the City of DC. Its also illegal to fire shots at the White House with intent to harm the President.

Of course I found this story from an anti-gun website because they’ll claim that one more law would have stopped this.

I’ll also note this website uses the word “Common Sense” in a very ironic sense…

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0 Responses to Gun Control “Success” Story

  1. Lissa says:

    Maybe link this in with the UC Berkeley gunman?

  2. Dave says:

    I think it’s interesting that a man could fire a rifle, in the middle of a crowded city, and despite all the money D.C. spends on security, and the army of armed police and security guards that work there, they have no idea where this person is. Also, they only noticed shots had been fired when someone noticed a broken window at the White House? The president and white house are protected by the most highly trained, professional security force on Planet Earth, and yet they still could not prevent this from happening.

    Not bagging on the Secret Service, this is just a reflection of reality about the actual power of government/law enforcement/Authority to keep a person safe. If this guy decided to, how many lives could he have ended before the police arrived?

    Even in a city with such a police presence as D.C., the cops STILL can’t arrive fast enough to prevent loss of life.

    They’ll eventually catch this guy, he’ll go to prison, and thank God he didn’t kill anyone. But even if he had killed some people, the police catching him and the killer being executed 40 years from now wouldn’t have saved the lives of those who died, nor would it ease the families’ grief.

    It is Better to be able to defend yourself, you are in the best position to act to protect your own life, and a handgun is the most effective single tool to STOP someone from threatening your life.

    I know I’m preaching to the choir here.

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