“Gun Death” Acid

A local story.

HOLYOKE, Mass. (WWLP) – A 35 year-old woman is in danger of losing her right eye after an unidentified stranger threw a caustic liquid in her face Friday morning.

Scary story given the circumstances:

the woman was walking her dog on Berkshire Street near the railroad tracks, when a man carrying a cup approached her and threw the liquid in her face. Febo says the victim does not know her attacker and that there was no interaction between the two prior to him throwing the liquid in her face.

But of course no guns used, so this isn’t “Gun Violence”, so why is this such a horrible story?

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Acid

  1. Jake says:

    The really scary part is that someone just walking down the same sidewalk carrying a cup isn’t going to trigger anyone’s alarm bells – it’s just someone with a beverage using the same sidewalk, right? Unless he does something odd, why would anyone be suspicious?

    I just emailed you another one for the files. A homeowner gave a goblin “the chair” for burglary.

  2. alcade says:

    OMG! I work with those liquids ALL DAY LONG! And I didn’t even have to pass a background check! Plus, my assault beakers hold WAY more than 30 ml! Who needs more chemical than 30 ml? Criminals, that’s who!

    p.s. caustic is an alkalai

  3. Vector says:

    I know it’s tasteless, but…

    The goggles! They do nothing!

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    WTF!? Some “Homeless Person” did the same thing up here in Cleveland awhile back to a Woman when he got on the Bus. Also, didn’t some Model get hit earlier this year in Manhattan?

  5. Jay G. says:

    Further clarification for Weerd:

    Caustic = alkali (as alcade says) = base. It’s the exact opposite of acid.

    (/Chem geek off)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Good point. The news wire was reporting it as “Acid” while you and I sat through a ton of Chem courses, “authorized journalists” sat through “Identifying semi-auto service revolvers 300” So I have no idea what the crap in the cup was…

      • alcade says:

        Someone needs to contact Carolyn McCarthy IMMEDIATELY and tell her we need to ban these!

        “What is a caustic substance, Congresswoman?”

        “Duuh, they is magic assault water that go fizzle!”

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