“Gun Death” B-Ball

I heard about this story in the news. College Basketball player drops dead on the court.

No guns there. Does it matter?

BTW really sad case. And a bit scary when you see somebody in peak health like that just keel over dead like he was hit with a bolt of lightning. My heart goes out to the family and the team.

h/t Wallphone

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” B-Ball

  1. mike w. says:

    My dad played in college. One day he had a teammate die pretty much the same way. They were 3/4 way through the game, the guy stopped at about halfcourt, collapsed & died right there. Turns out he had an enlarged heart.

  2. falnfenix says:

    that’s sortof how my mom’s cousin passed away (though he was 75 or so and on the golf course); after hoofing it the entire way to the last hole, he collapsed and never got back up. turned out it was his heart, as well.

    in each situation, the only thing i can say is at least they went out doing something they enjoyed. i can’t imagine a better way to go, really. no suffering, no apparent pain, just lights-out.

  3. Lance R. Peak says:

    Hank Gathers died 21 years ago. The story was about a 16 year old High School player that died last week.

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