“Gun Death” Crazy Suicide

Suicide is a horrible, and selfish act that hurts so many people. Still this one makes me chuckle just on the style points alone.

A Chicago man who quickly accelerated in a sport utility vehicle with a cable around his neck decapitated himself after a domestic dispute in Yorktown, authorities said Tuesday.

about 17,000 of the 30,000 annual “Gun Deaths” cited by the anti-rights forces are suicides. When questioned on the relevance of “Suicide Gun Deaths” (as if “Gun Death” was irrelevant enough!) the antis often make claims that by banning, restricting, or registering guns (like cars!) will somehow mean there will be less suicide.

This guy seemed to figure out how to punch his own clock without a gun. About 17,000 people per year also take their own lives every year without the aid of a gun. Of course those who feel “Gun Death” is a relevant metric ignore 50% of all suicides.

Suicide is horrible, and it has touched my life, as well as the lives of many others. If you have been touched by suicide, or know somebody who has and you need somebody to talk to or help, Samaritans is a great charity and help line. They also accept donations.

h/t Whipped Cream Difficulties

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Crazy Suicide

  1. Suicide I think has probably touched anyone and everyone whether they realize it or not. I had a friend from scouts kill himself while he was still in high school. It tore at his friends who he was supposed to meet for dinner that night. No one knows exactly why he killed himself, all we have is suspicion and rumor, neither of which is health.

    One of my friends from high school also lost his dad to suicide. He ate a shotgun in another friends driveway. Left three kids and a wife behind. We do have a reasonable idea what happened since he did suffer from depression. The anti’s are more than happy to dance in his blood since it was done with a firearm, but it would have been done with any other tool he could find. Hell he could have just driven off the 600 foot cliff less than a block from his house. I really, really, really hate the gun death metric for those reasons and so many more.

    Man I want to go home now, I haven’t though about either of these incidents in depth for years. I try to remember them for who they were, not how their stories ended.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Suicide is something that brings up such conflicting thoughts. I’ll think about hanging out with my friend in college, or a funny story she told me….or in this blog I’ve mentioned that .30-06 is more than enough gun for Swamp Donkey. I know this because she shot a 1200lb bull moose in the chest head-on, and dug the bullet out of his pelvic region with a handloaded ’06. I wish I could have asked her the bullet weight and the load data as I didn’t know shit about such things back then.

      She was a good friend and a cool lady, and I miss her a lot, and it really made me sad when I got the news.

      And then I think about the fact that this was HER CHOICE, and how many people were upset by her action, and that makes me mad. Conflicting.

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