“Gun Death” Knives on Campus

You know we can’t life the campus carry ban because bad things might happen.

Grubb says the suspect — identified by school district police as Abraham Lopez — punched the girl, then pushed her to the ground and stabbed her several times before he was subdued by a campus police officer, a school administrator and another student. They suffered minor injuries.

The girl died at St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood Friday night after undergoing surgery. Coroner’s officials tell City News Service her name was Cindi Santana.

Again, its the people not the tool. I’m sure if this shithead had a gun he might have shot his girlfriend to death…but he had a knife and he stabbed her. Also a man who beats up on a woman is a special kind of coward. I wonder if he would have behaved differently if he knew that people carried guns on campus and if they saw him pulling a knife on a helpless woman he might catch lead.

Same goes for why these spree shooters always seem to chose gun-free zones…or why so many anti gunners have criminal backgrounds.

People who like to behave badly don’t like to get their just desserts.

Also campuses just aren’t safe places. I’ve said a ton of times that there was at least one rape on campus every weekend while I was perusing my degree…some were date-rapes, which have a different mechanic, but there were plenty of the ambush-rapes to go around.

Rapists don’t like getting shot, so they tend to really like campuses and other gun-free zones.

Be safe out there.

h/t Bob

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Knives on Campus

  1. Jake says:

    And don’t forget that here at Virginia Tech we had the scene of the mother of all campus knife deaths with the beheading of graduate student Yang Xin with a kitchen knife.

    But we can’t allow proven law-abiding citizens to carry guns on campus!

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