“Gun Death” No Respect for Human Life

One of the goals of the “Gun Death?” Files is to show the mentality of violent people as opposed to the tools they use, as those who use the made-up metric of “Gun Death” often do to frame the argument in a a more sympathetic light. Most often we see that the perpetrators of this violence have little to no respect for human life, so if that’s how they see the world what does it matter if they have a gun, or a knife, or a bat, or a car? And of course those of us who have the highest respect and value for human life are armed to the teeth, what do you have to fear from us?

But what if we’re not just talking about individuals, but a cultural value?

A video of a horrendous hit-and-run accident in China involving a two-year-old child has sparked outcry in the nation and questions over the price of modernity.

The video shows a van running over a toddler, Yueyue, in a busy market and driving on as bystanders walk and drive past the bloody child without helping, Reuters reports. The child is left in the street for so long — seven minutes — that there is time for a truck to come and run over the girl again, it states.

The video can be found here I will advise that if you are sensitive to horrific behavior DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO, but I must post it because if I hadn’t watched it myself I wouldn’t have belived it.

After the second vehicle runs over the child, a woman pulls her to the side of the street, and her mother then rushes to her. BBC reports that the woman who finally helped the child was a trash collector.

China’s Xinhua news agency reports that the girl survived the incident and is now in a coma, however the Shanghai Daily reported that she died.

This isn’t just one or two people, this is an entire culture that sees no value in female children that vast amounts of them are murdered or discarded.

The lucky ones are adopted to the West. Massachusetts, because of our education and high-paced job market the population as a rule has their children older, because of this reproduction difficulties are higher as well. Because of this I very often see white upper-middle-class couples pushing strollers with East-Asian babies and young children in them, I can’t recall seeing a male in this situation. One can assume these are unwanted Chinese female children…much like this little girl run down by a car and ignored in her extreme injuries.


h/t Roadkill

**Update** She has since died. Sad tale..

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” No Respect for Human Life

  1. Roadkill says:

    This incident was bad enough, but that report about the orphanages was chilling. As horrible as the 3rd Reich’s gas chambers were, they sound like at least a quick and almost dignified end in comparison. The abuses of the Chinese government and it’s people against themselves and others are well known documented. Yet, we still do business with them. The western governments waste time and money with petty tyrants like Saddam and Qaddafi because they’re weak and easily disposed of. China is a mighty cesspool. Both in environment and morality. However, how powerful would they be if we cut off the money? Pity, we require them so totally now.

  2. alcade says:

    “This isn’t just one or two people, this is an entire culture that sees no value in female children”

    I would say it goes beyond that, although the genocide of their female children is certainly the most noticeable at present. Look at the human wave attacks during the Korean War. Look at their solutions to opium addiction. This is a culture that views human life as existing only at the tenuous mercies of the state. I’d like to blame Communism, and but I think that is only one facet of the problem.

    I would argue that examples like these are futher proof to put quotas on immigration so we can absorb and assimilate other cultures into our own, lest such examples become commonplace in America.

  3. Kristopher says:

    Strange cultural artifact, that.

    Well to do young men in China are being forced to try to find wives abroad because of a newly created shortage of women in China … and yet the government continues this policy, and women who bear girls are pressured into making them disappear through infanticide or quiet adoptions out of country.


  4. As others have said, this puts China in the position where young men out-number young women. This has often been seen historically as precursor to war. China bears watching in that regard.


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