“Gun Death” Shell Game

A certain Joyce Shill has a collection of videos of Paul Helmke talking to a crowd of like-minded idiots about gun control. I may do a series on these because they’re really awesome little clips showing exactly how dishonest the anti-freedom crowd is.

Notice his little shell game there? He puts in a false dichotomy. In refuting “More Guns = Less Crime” he adds his little metric “Gun Death = Crime”. Also Paul is the head of a gun control group. There are two possible equations that would refute “More Guns = Less Crime” one would be “Guns are 100% independent variables for crime”, which actually can be said to be an arguable statement if you look at simply gun laws and crime., looks like total bullshit if you factor in total gun ownership. Still saying guns are irrelevant to crime numbers means gun control is just as irrelevant. But for Paul to effectively refute this point he would need to show that “More Guns = MORE crime”, you see him attempt that?

We all know why!

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Shell Game

  1. Linoge says:

    Suffice to say, Helmke is about as skilled as logic as he is at statistics… which is to say, not at all.

    Anyone with an ounce of honesty can see through his lie-by-conflation (that all firearm-related deaths are crimes), and that falsehood poisons the entire rest of his diatribe.

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