“Gun Death” Sick Cult

A Sick One

A 13-year-old schoolgirl has been killed in an exorcism by her cultist father and a Buddhist monk, drowning after having been forced to undergo the ritual of the “waterfall austerity” over a hundred times.


She was strapped into a chair with belts around her arms and legs around 3AM on the night of the 27th, and then had her face forcibly doused with a stream of water continuously falling from an outlet 2.5m above her for 5 minutes at a rate of 40 litres a minute.

She suffocated to death during the ordeal, which she had apparently been forced to endure 100 times over the last 3 months.

Locals had apparently heard her screaming on many occasions, and the cult had been the subject of many complaints due to its endless banging of drums, chantings of sutras, and comings and goings late at night.

The murder came to light when the girl’s father called her school to inform them that his daughter “died in the pursuit of the waterf austerities.”

Police arrested both men on manslaughter charges soon after.

Manslaughter? Really? I put the “Bad Justice” Tag on this one because I think we know where this is going.

No guns, and in a land where guns are all but banned. So perfect, right?


h/t Roadkill

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Sick Cult

  1. karrde says:

    Wait a minute…a Buddhist exorcism?

    That’s a very sad death.

  2. Archer says:

    So basically … she was “waterboarded” to death? I’m not seeing much of a difference between this form of “exorcism” and outright “torture.” And for three months, no less. “Gun Death?” indeed.

    I’m not generally religious, but in this case I make an exception: I pray her soul finds peace.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well except with water-boarding there are protocols and oversight to make sure the person on the board DOESN’T die. We waterboard for information, not for physical harm.

      FYI I will not call Waterboarding, or any CIA enhanced interrogation “Torture”. It doesn’t do justice to REAL torture that goes on every day in less civil parts of the world, and Waterboarding make it look like a Strawberry Cupcake!

      • Kristopher says:

        Torture is still torture.

        We are just a bit more sophisticated about it.

        The Soviets used simple sleep deprivation … a guard would be assigned for rotating shifts to just not let you sleep until they got what they wanted from you.

        It was still torture.

    • Roadkill says:

      For this one, I throw off any pretense of my own civility. The persons responsible should not die, they should live in horror and pain for the rest of their lives. Prolong that life through medical means? Sure why not. Remember this wasn’t a malicious murder, this was a do-gooder murder. They will never understand why they are being punished for their ‘good intentions’ until the same falls upon them. This could damn well be our own fates if we let the far left OR the far right take everything.

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