Hadn’t Thought of That

In my Previous Post I floated the Theory that Al-Qaeda was playing into the hands of the gun-banners to soften up the rather hard target that is American Soil for Mumbai-Style attacks.

Thirdpower adds to that interesting theory:

Anyone who knows anything about firearms knows this is complete nonsense so, after we laughed at them a bit, they started modifying the message, not mentioning the ‘fully auto assault rifle’ bit and just pushing the ‘gun show loophole’ and terrorists in the same breath.

So the demographic they’re going for is the ignorant and the fearful. They convince their membership that these things are true then try and get them to talk to other people who don’t know anything about gun shows or firearms, scaring them in the process.

I didn’t even think of it. The video is posed as Al-Qaeda asking for its sleeper cells and lone-wold sympathizers to buy guns and kill Americans. If this video was legit why would Al-Qaeda be leading its own people to slaughter?

Do any of you remember when two gun-control advocates attempted to illegally buy a handgun at a New Hampshire Gun Show? These guys would have been looking at time in federal prison if it hadn’t been a hoax. They in fact DIDN’T break any laws, and just lied and said they did. I imagine a slew of young religious fanatics going into gun shows around the country demanding AK-47s without background checks will get the attention of the FBI, CIA, and ATF pretty damn quick (PDQ! LOL!) and while the most likely scenario is these Hadji-Wannabes will not actually be ABLE to commit a crime (Just like Mr. Rosenthal found when he attempted to buy a handgun without a New Hampshire driver’s license) still getting the attention of the federales kinda defeats the purpose of “Sleeper cells” doesn’t it?

There’s ONLY one way this story plays out. Al-Qaeda is playing into the hands of the Brady Campaign and the Joyce Foundation. I won’t be an asshole and claim these anti-freedom jerks are complicit with each other, but I will say Brady and Joyce are desperate enough that they WILL attempt to run with this poison ball.

I’m fine with that.

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0 Responses to Hadn’t Thought of That

  1. alcade says:

    Glad I just bought an “Infidel” engraved ejection port cover for my AR, can’t let the hajji be confused over who’s side I’m on.

    Of course, every “training video” I’ve seen from their side involves them with their rifle butts under their armpits or holding the gun horizontally. Not too worried about those tactics.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      We ARE at a distinct advantage over the bad guys. We can take training classes and log range time free and clear. Same goes for our Police, not so sure about the military. At worst they need to pony up some ammo and range fees, certainly they can all take training on their off time.

      Meanwhile unless its in a hostile nation that currently isn’t eating US or coalition ordinance, the terrorists and the criminal element need to find a hidden place to pop caps…and most probably don’t ever touch off a round until the ball drops.

      That’s not a good time to learn how to do a quick mag change or learn to clear a feed jam!

      • alcade says:

        Personally I feel that the lack of coordination between law enforcement and citizens is the weak link in the chain. One cannot expect any self-respecting citizenry of a nation to sit idly by while terrorists shoot up their neighborhood, yet in a Mumbai style attack I feel confident this is what the police would have us do. Certainly their fears of “friendly fire” are justified, but as any sort of coordination between law enforcement/military and private civilians is terribly politically incorrect this factor will likely remain a problem.

  2. Linoge says:

    As I said on Twitter, you can always tell a lot about a person/organization by the company they choose to keep…

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