Herman Cain

Haven’t looked too closely at him. Certainly heard him same some really dumb things on the news. Still he seems somewhat solid to me.

Also I’d hate to give people the idea that all black people are stupid and can’t be a competent President, so there’s that too! 😀

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0 Responses to Herman Cain

  1. There are several things I like about Herman:

    * Yes, he says dumb things. But he /learns/ from them. Compare footage from the first debate versus the more recent ones. Look how he has addressed his Muslim-in-the-cabinet ‘issue.’ Several folks have approached him about clarifying his Second Amendment stance. He doesn’t repeat the same lines over and over.

    * He is not RNC approved. His constant rise in the polls must have them shaking in their boots, as their anointed candidate is slowly dropping back.

    * He’s not focused on his political career. Thusly, he can propose and recommend “career-killing but necessary” actions to turn the economy around, where required.

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    Just a little Trivia. Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan was devised by a Fund Manager up here in Cleveland by the name of Rich Lowerie. The Commie MSM is now jumping on him because he is “NOT a REAL Economist.”

    Remember, an “Economist” lives in an Ivory Tower, playing with Theory on How Money Works. The Obama Admin is full of Economists, most of whom are Keynseian, which means “Tax Everyone and let the Gooberment do the Spending.” Paul the Commie Krugman is an Economist.

    A Fund Manager, however, has to take X amounts of John Doe’s Cash, and increase it in the Real World, or he gets fired.

    Don’t know about you, but I’d rather trust the Gooberment in the hands of someone who knows how to Earn a Buck, rather than one who knows how to Spend a Buck.

    Plus, I’d think it be a Hoot to have Cain take on Obama in Real Debates. The Professional African-American Racists like Sharpton, Jackson, Walters, et.al. would have a Stroke to see a “Conservative Uncle Tom” take on the Anointed One.

    But we have a long ways to go yet before the 2012 Election, so stay tuned.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yep huge plus that Cain has had a real job and earned money given to him willingly rather than from public coffers.

      Yeah the leftist racist will really have trouble because Obama is half white, and Cain is all conservative.

      I really was hoping for a Hilliary Clinton Vs. Condi Rice debate. I couldn’t imagine Hillary keeping it under wraps for that.

  3. bluesun says:

    Herman Cain: America’s First Real Black President!

  4. WallPhone says:

    While I would love the irony of a blacker than Obama president elected by the “racist” Republicans, Cain doesn’t seem to fully understand liberty.

    More anti-abortion than Romney, wants to reinstate Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, but at least he currently owns “six guns” more than McCain and Romney combined and says that “…isn’t enough.”

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well the abortion issue is dead anyway, we’ve yet to challenge Roe V Wade (and say what you will about the right to terminate a pregnancy, that’s a TURD of a court ruling), Romney has played both sides of the Abortion issue as a politician (he ran as a pro-choice guy in Mass…then suddenly he was pro-life on the national stage), He’s also ran as both pro and anti-gun….but he has anti-gun laws under his belt.

      I’m personally pro-life, but frankly Abortion is the 3rd Rail and nobody is going to touch it, its a dead issue, and frankly I’m fine with that.

      When it comes to Gays, sadly they’re equally hated across the nation and across party lines…If I have to fight President Cain on that issue, so be it. Right now he seems to be the only valid candidate up there.

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