Heroes and Crazy

Bob sent me this video a while back, but I haven’t really be dealing with my email as of late. WARNING contains graphic language and nudity.

After hurling himself into a set of doors, the man took off his boxer shorts, which elicited squeals from shocked observers. As a police officer was talking on his radio, the man bolted from the subway car and accosted a woman walking up a stairway. After slamming a package of hers to the ground, he lunged at a man walking perilously close to a platform edge.

With the help of some male onlookers, the cop succeeded in wrestling the man to the ground, where he was subdued. A police spokesman told TSG that the man, 41, was treated as an emotionally disturbed person and transported in custody to Lincoln Hospital for psychological evaluation.

Watch the video (if you don’t mind seeing crazy and naked), frankly as soon as he goes after the lady that’s when people should have tackled this asshole. I find it hard to justify lethal force in my mind as he’s NAKED and not all that large. But I’m not a small guy, a woman, or a smaller or older person might have more legal justification. That being said somebody should have brought him down before the police did.

Also I wouldn’t have stayed on that subway car. When you watched the video were you surprised when he turned violent? Violence was the ONLY way this was going to end. Thanks I’ll take another train.

Of course Bob sent it to me because he thought I’d be amused by a crazy naked guy. He was right!

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0 Responses to Heroes and Crazy

  1. Mark says:

    What an incredibly easy target to have taken down! One quick grab, or kick to the junk, and he would have been on his way to the psych ward. Seriously! CCW holders wouldn’t even to have pulled a weapon other than their foot in this case. Why are people afraid to kick unarmed threats in the junk? If they whip it out, they must not think it’s a target.

  2. GuardDuck says:

    People tend to not to want to get close up to crazy people. Especially naked crazy people.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well looking at the video they also didn’t want to get away from him.

      Frankly while he was dropping the N-Bomb at those black fellas, I’d assume his goose was cooked anyway (I assumed wrong) and would have at least moved myself to the next car down, if not out of the station. As I said it was only going to end with violence, so best to give it a wide berth.

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    Read a thing (SWAT magazine?) about such problems that said naked people are hard to grab/stop/control. Often what makes ’em go naked in the first place is they feel all hot and sweaty – and they’re mental or on drugs. So they remove the restricting clothing to get fresh air and cool off. Sweaty guys can be slippery — and crazy, sweaty, slippery is no fun to wrestle. You don’t want to grab his tackle.

  4. Bob S. says:


    A couple of points that really need to be made.

    1. In the time it took him to rip the package from the woman’s hands, he could have killed her.

    2. In the time it took to whale on the male by-stander, he could have killed him.

    3. The cop(s) were on the scene and still couldn’t have prevented those actions. Certainly didn’t prevent him from attacking them in the first place.

    4. The people who rightfully and righteously helped out the cops are upright citizens. Yet let one of them be armed and assist the cops and the antis would label them vigilantes.
    The only difference? Being armed with more effective weapons — can you say double standard?

    5. I know this may sound cold and callous but I don’t care if a person is bug house nuts or not if they start to attack me. Since I can’t read their mind, I’m going to assume they mean to do the worst. It seems the people in the video treated the guy as if was some misbehaving child — something to avoid if possible but not take serious.

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