Home Again

The blogger shoot was AWESOME! First up the weather was PERFECT! It was POURING when I woke up, and I guess it was raining all day back home, but we had sun most of the day in New Hampshire. As many said “God Loves Gunnies”.

BTW Zercool’s 3.5″ Buckshot was damn unpleasant! I’ve shot 3″ buckshot out of my Mossberg, and it puts a LOT of ordinance on target, but doesn’t seem to me to be worth the punishment. 3.5″ shells are downright unpleasant. Its not the amount of recoil, but the sharpness of it, its very hard to keep the shotgun firmly affixed to your shoulder pocket. It just walked ALL OVER my shoulder.

There was a big turnout, Jay and I didn’t get an exact count, but there were a LOT of people, and all were ear-to-ear grins. Not as much NFA this year. Wally had his collection, and there were a few odds and ends. Still .223 .22 LR, and 9mm (supressed) full-auto was quite the treat, as well as the 57mm Recoiless.

Targets were the usual water jugs and stuffed animals, but the special “Guest” was this:

That’s a pink Gorilla wearing a UN helmet. It was QUITE enjoyable to poke holes in that blue monstrosity, and the Gorilla was quite the reactive plushie. Most stuffed animals just eat rounds and subtly flatten out over time. This guy would occasionally EXPLODE in a shower of stuffing.

Really the BIG star of the day was Old NFO’s FN SCAR-17, its a damn good gun on paper, but it is also just as good in reality.

Such a good time, and great to meet the few new faces, and awesome to see the old friends again.

Also I’d like to say that Borepatch, and Lissa who have both moved down south were greatly missed. I know you guys were there in spirit!

Such a great event, thanks so much to Buddy Jay who organized the weekend’s festivites, and Doubletrouble and Mrs. Doubletrouble for lending their home and their range to all sorts of crazy gunnies with machine guns!

Also with multiple machine-guns dozens of more mundane guns, and countless rounds flying down range, the only injuries were a few cuts from the sharp edges of the UN Helmet, and I got a gouge in my hand from attempting to slap Wall’s AMT Longslide into battery. Sorry Wally, it was gross:

Wally: “Uh Weer’d, I think that’s piece of you on the rear sight…”
Weer’d, picking off bit of hand from the sight notch: “OMG, I’m so sorry, that’s wicked gross!!”

Man what a good time, but strangely enough, I’m REALLY tired!

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0 Responses to Home Again

  1. Borepatch says:

    I sure missed being thee, Weer’d.

  2. It was a great day. Thanks again to all of you that were nice enough to let me play with your “toys”. I have one addition to the scrapes/bruises. At one point, I was shooting JayG’s 10/22, with 2 30 round magazines (At least I think they were 30 rounders) coupled together. One of the magazines fell, and hit me in the left leg, just inside of the knee. It was a little sore. Discovered a nice bruise once I got home and changed.
    Not to mention the inevitable bruising from Zercool’s buckshot.

    Still wouldn’t have been anywhere else today, and can’t wait for next year, where hopefully, I’ll have a few toys of my own to bring.

    Kyle/bandaid bandit

  3. 45er says:

    Glad to hear you guys had a great time. Sounds awesome.

  4. alcade says:

    Where’s the gun porn?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Coming soon, and NOT from me. I learned the first Blogshoot when I hauled out my good still Camera all the way out there and maybe had 5 shots on the card by the time we were headed for the barn.

      There are a few shutter-bugs out there who were kind enough to snap lots of pix which will be appearing soon.

      Me, If I’m not dumping lead down range I wanna be talking to the attendees, and I didn’t get to do enough of either, so very little room for shutter-time.

  5. Yeah, those 3.5″ loads were the equivalent of that shotgun being the big kids that grabs your hand and says, “stop hitting yourself”, over and over as he beats you with your own fist. It didn’t hurt, but my thumb met my cheek with both shots.

  6. Old NFO says:

    LOL- yeah, that was fun!!!

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