
Hoplophobia is often described as an IRRATIONAL fear of guns. Of course if somebody pulls a gun on me, that’s scary. If I was in a war zone, I’d be concerned about being shot. Hoplophobia is something very different. Joan Peterson Tweeted this:

Fox Guests Wave Guns Around On Air To Demonstrate How “ Great“ And “ Concealable“ They Are

She then links to this Media Matters (who is running anti-gun articles thanks to Joyce Foundation Grants)

have a look at the video:

Anybody who knows guns will notice he quickly safety-checks the guns before displaying them, and doesn’t point them at the camera, and only seems to point them Stage Right, which I would assume is clear of people. Of course Antis don’t know how guns work, and aren’t in the least bit interested in learning.

Still I’m linking the video and article because overall they show nothing alarming at all to me. A man is talking about carry guns, and talking about lawful carry, as well as erring on the side of caution (I’m pretty sure there is no place in the United States where you can’t kill somebody to prevent a rape, but he still urged viewers to check their local laws), and the guns he was “Waving Around” were safety checked on camera, and pointed in a safe direction.

BTW go read the comments at the Media Matters site, It appears that your comment must be Hoplophobic to be approved.

So this video gets the anti-rights crowd in a lather. I think we can all agree that reaction is certainly irrational.

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0 Responses to Hoplophobia

  1. My God. If you’d have shown me that video when I was a teenager living in Los Angeles in the 80’s, I would have thought I had fallen into Bizarro World. How far we have come from the days where all guns were bad and all gun carriers were criminals. Now respectable members of society are on a national news program telling everyone that they carry a gun.

    We are winning

    • Weerd Beard says:

      If shit like this was playing on the National News in the 80s, rather than the pre-AWB bullshit that was on the news in my formative years I never would have had to have made the switch from Anti to Pro-Freedom

  2. ThomasD says:

    Thanks for the video. I think this is prime evidence that we are winning.

    Our version of a freer and safer world, presented in a sober and responsible manner is on display to a broad audience.

    Meanwhile our opponents are forced to resort to gross exaggeration and misrepresentation. An approach that will only result in further marginalization should anyone undecided compare those words with what they see with their own eyes.

    Thus leaving the antis sounding ever more hysterically unreasonable and talking to an ever tightening circle of the already converted.

    • Jack says:

      Which is why the antis have to make all their arguments by peddling fear and emotions and keep people ignorant.

      It’s why they wear their lack of knowledge on the very subject they want to regulate like a purity ring. To them, it is.

      Consider if an anti actually knew about safe gun handling, but still hated the idea of guns, they could not get as angry at this segment as they otherwise could.

      They’d be reduced to; “Yes I hate the idea of someone encouraging people to acutally buy those icky guns, but at least he was acting safe about it.”

      • Pyrotek85 says:

        If that’s ‘waving guns around’, then it’s no wonder they think open carry=brandishing. Someone needs to send them a dictionary or something lol

        I’m not sure if I’ll ever understand their mindset. I have a thirst for knowledge and I love learning about all things, so I cannot comprehend being willfully ignorant of something that you feel strongly about. What good is it to lie to yourself?

        • Roadkill says:

          Remember, to one of those pro-rape pro-murder vermin, a woman walking down down the street in tight jeans is effectively signaling her approval of being dragged into the nearest alley. Reason and logic are not something they’re able to grasp.

  3. Bubblehead Les says:

    You know, Hoplophobia is a relatively recent phenomena. Being 53, as a young boy in Ohio, going to the various Department Stores with my parents, I’d always try to swing by the Sporting Goods Section so I could look at all the Long Guns on display. It would not even raise an eyebrow when one saw young boys, armed with .22s heading to the Dump or the Quarry to do some Plinking or Rat Killing. Lots of Pick Ups would have Rifles or Shotguns in the Window Racks. And when my Dad bought a Package Store in ’68, one of the first things he did was to get a .38 “Store Gun” and put it under the counter, “just in case,” and we weren’t allowed to touch it, and it was no big deal.

    There might be a few people out there who have a “phobia” about guns, but if it was very common, why didn’t it raise it’s head back in the 40’s, 50’s 60’s, etc.? All efforts of Modern Gun Control seem to have come about in direct correlation with the rise of the Progressive/Socialist/Marxist takeover of the Democratic Party, and if those “DemaCommies” get any kind of Political Power, they want “more Common Sense Gun Laws.” And, of course, there are those “RINOs” who support them.

    So, to me, “Hoplophobia” is just a Propaganda Tool of those Leftist/Anarchist/”Kill the Jews” movements. I know Col. Cooper coined the term to describe the irrational outbursts of those who panicked when they saw a Gun, but where was the panic in 1965 when those people bought some Camping Gear from Sears? The Guns were right there, next to the Fishing Poles and the Tents, for Crom Sakes!

    Keep it Simple: Anyone who wants to disarm the Public is just a “Useful Idiot” for the Leftists, unless they already hold Public Office. Then those Politicians should be considered …well, the 1st Amendment only goes so far.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah Hoplophobia is 100% cultural, and it varies greatly. As a kid I used to play with my cousins in my Uncle’s office, and up on the wall were his hunting guns. My Great Grandfather used to keep a .22 by the back door for pest control and had an old glass ashtray filled with lose shells. I was told not to touch it, and I didn’t.

      But yet if somebody wasn’t a cop and was carrying a pistol around, suddenly that would be an issue.

      Of course I’m sure in more rural parts of the state where we weren’t so snooty and anti-gun things would be a little more forgiving for a wider range of guns.

      Yet talk to Euro Weanies and you mention you have some fudd gun and they ask “Why??” even then.

      Of course it being cultural the tide is turning. Certainly Conceal carry has never been as popular as it is today, and the tide is still coming in!

  4. Spike says:

    Did anyone notice “Only Son” Bo Dietl offer to help the host Eric Bolling get his NYC permit?

    According to him, you have to be one of the club, or know someone, to excessive a right mandated by the Constitution. And if you dont belong, you dont get one.

    This is why the 2nd amendment (should, and does) trumps all.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah I noticed that too. Life can be real nice if you’re part of the inner cabal, sucks if you’re “Just a guy”.

      But that was the whole point when they wrote the law. They wanted to disarm THE People, but not THEIR people. Its also why down south there are lots of goofy carry laws like No Guns in Churches, Restaurants, Polling Places, Public Gatherings, Sporting Events, Binding Signage. Laws like that are almost always absent in places like New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, et al. Why? Well because the only people with carry permits are going to be the connected guys and the Made Men, you don’t want to tell THEM to leave their gun in their car!

  5. Daniel in Brookline says:

    Let them continue to display their ignorance. Americans are not fond of being told what to do, particularly by someone who demonstrably knows less about the subject. So the anti-gun crowd grow ever shriller, not realizing what fools they make of themselves every time they try to sound knowledgeable about guns.

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