How Gun Control Works

The anti-rights groups are all parroting this story:

Ending gun violence: Odom family’s story:

We have a family from the poor section of Boston. Its an older story so I don’t know any details beyond what is covered here. The family lives there so they know and don’t point their finger at “Gun Violence”, these areas are infested with gangs, they don’t have a “Gun Violence” problem they have a violence problem and there are far more kids found stabbed to death or beaten to death on these streets than shot.

But the anti-rights people want to beat their drum and blame the guns. In Boston you simply can’t get a carry permit, and will often have a hard time getting just a permit to own a handgun in your home. The handguns need to be on the approved roster, no “Assault Weapons”, any magazine holding more than 10 rounds must be made before 1994, to get your permit you must take a safety training course, be fingerprinted, and the guns must be registered with the state. Also if you want to do a private sale, that also must be registered with the state. Also your permit is at the discrestion of the police and can be taken away even if you commit no crime. (Is it a wonder why they routinly come out against due process?)

And what do we have? We have dead children. Why? Well because violent criminals are given lax sentences, and I can’t recall a murder suspect that doesn’t have a long criminal record, and most often is on parole for a previous violent crime.

They blame places with law gun laws…but not only do they have no proof that this mechanic actually happens, but also the places with lax gun laws simply don’t see this kind of crime.

In simple terms, we are doing it wrong here. Why continue the insanity and bury the dead?

Easy they WANT dead kids because “Gun Death” is the currency that they run on.

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0 Responses to How Gun Control Works

  1. MAgunowner says:

    Don’t forget about the proficiency test at the Boston Police range in Moon Island, in the middle of Boston Harbor. Smart applicants will initially apply in the warmer months. But LTCs expire on your birthday, so if you have a February birthday, you take your next test in 5 degree weather with the salty sea spray whipping in your face and freezing onto your knuckles. Have arthritis? Go f*ck yourself, still gotta take it (and score 210/300) or we’ll confiscate your guns.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      They still do this test? I know Quincy dumped their bullshit test.

      Also gotta love taking a test to OWN a gun. At least in places like Texas who require you to score to get your permit, at least you can own a gun and practice at shooting clubs until you’re ready…here you need to know somebody who’s a club member, become a member of one of the few clubs in state that don’t require a permit for membership, or pay for range time.

      And frankly if you live in Dorchester, or Mattapan you can’t afford that so have fun sleeping to the sound of gunfire.

  2. MAgunowner says:

    The test is still there, no signs of going away.

    I gave a lesson to this kid from Dorchester last weekend. He’s an unarmed security guard at a department store and is trying to get his LTC so he can be an armed guard, doubling his current $7/hour wage.

    He’d just taken the mandatory safety class for $175 (3 days earnings for him) the week before. He showed up for the lesson, bought 2 boxes of .38 reloads for $33 and 4 targets for $2. We rent the Ruger Service Six and eyes/ears for free. Then it’s $20 to me for the hour of instruction time.

    So that’s another entire day’s pre-tax earnings for him for one practice session. He’s not even close to being ready to pass the range test, so he’ll need about six more sessions.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      And the whole point of all of this is not safety but to get people to say “Fuck it, I won’t bother”.

      Good on him keeping up with it. Also good that you have the Ruger, seems all the guards in Boston carry GP101s these days.

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