If I had a Cat At Home

I’d be stealing a few binder clips from work RIGHT NOW!

I assume this is the “Scruff” reaction left over from when mommy cat hauls her kittens around by the scruff of the neck.


h/t Firehand

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0 Responses to If I had a Cat At Home

  1. mike w. says:

    Yep, works with dogs too, though I don’t use a binder clip 😛

  2. guffaw says:

    Years ago, I had a cat who rolled in some grease on the driveway. Rather than having her try to bathe herself, I ‘kittened-her-out’ with one hand, and shampooed her with the other.
    She was NOT happy during the process (growling, and all) but survived and eventually forgave me.

  3. Mark says:

    Bathing! That was my wife’s first thought too! Wish I’d learned this years ago.

  4. breda says:

    I scruff my cats quite frequently (mostly the youngest boys – because they are crazy naughty) and I’ll even growl at them if necessary. Sometimes they even listen. The oldest boy, though, respects his momma and will roll over and present his belly when I walk into the room.

  5. Old NFO says:

    101 uses for a …. oh never mind…

  6. Heath J says:

    Too funny. Wonder if it would work on a largish dog.

    For cats, I’ve always found .17 HMR to be an effective off switch… Nevermind.

  7. 45er says:

    Yep, that’s exactly the reason.

    And flipping sharks on their back does the same kind of thing. They’re hell to bathe, too.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well the sharks its because of hypoxia and has nothing to do with an “Off switch”. I imagine a kitten that thrashes around when mommy picks it up could easily get a serious skin tear, so nature makes them very still when the scruff is firmly pinched.

      Sharks do that because they’re about to pass out because of lowered blood pressure to the brain, and lowered blood oxygen from the gills.

  8. Ratus says:

    So, at what point do you wrap them in duct tape?

  9. falnfenix says:

    i WISH scruffing worked on both my cats…my girl’s got too much loose skin and it doesn’t have the same effect as it has on my boy.

  10. LabRat says:

    Kind of. It works on some cats, not on others. I used to be a vet tech as a summer job, and while grabbing the scruff is useful just because it’s a convenient handle, some cats will submit and others will do their very best to kill you.

    Look how slowly he’s moving both before and after when hands aren’t even on him- I’d bet money hes not so much imitating kitten behavior as freezing is his response to fear and confusion.

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