In discussing HR822 Countertop raises this interesting question.
What about Mass and Cali legal guns? If I visit Cali carrying my gun that’s not on their approved list, am I in violation of local law?
Jack points Countertop in the direction of The Story of Eleanor where I discuss the bullshit required to get an off-roster handgun in Massachusetts.
But if HR-822 becomes law then all you pistol packers will have Valid Massachusetts carry permits, and you might want to hang out at the Boston Aquarium with me, because fish are cool!
OK so first up the “Handgun Safety Roster” is NOT a “Gun Control” law, but a “Consumer Safety” law. It is not illegal to own, posses, carry, or use Off-Roster handguns in Massachusetts. The law ONLY applies to FFLs SELLING “Safe” guns to private citizens. The hard part of getting my PM45 was legally BUYING the gun, not actually GETTING the gun. Jay has a great story of getting a T&E S&W Bodyguard 38, only for his FFL to point out the gun wasn’t yet approved (BTW in the latest Roster update they are now legal for Massachusetts sale). The gun arrived at the FFL for transfer, and Jay was even allowed to handle it and take pictures, but the FFL couldn’t make the transfer.
Now IF the FFL had given the AG the finger, or assumed since S&W is a Massachusetts company and it was a T&E gun that it was OK for transfer, Jay could walk out of the store and the ONLY legal repercussions is the FFL could be fined for selling an off-roster gun.
Oh BTW fun-fact, if I decided I didn’t want to keep my PM45 anymore and decided to sell it at a local gun shop. They could BUY the gun, but could only SELL the gun to other FFLs (preferably out-of-state) or to a Law Enforcement officer, who of course exempt from such laws. Of course if I wanted to sell this gun I could easily sell it to another Massachusetts resident.
How the laws are currently written, if handguns were treated like long-guns when it came to interstate commerce I could simply cross over to New Hampshire and buy guns there and walk back and it would be 100% legal.
So when it comes to non Massachusetts residents legally carrying with a permit, you can carry ANY gun you want, barring that it does not have a post ’94 magazine holding more than 10 rounds, or that it was considered an “Assault Weapon” under the ’94 federal law.
Hopefully this law will pass so this isn’t just conjecture.
What do you want Weer’d? Who knows what could fall into my pocket at the next gun show that might be cool for a MA gunny to own but not on the roster?
LOL, but are you moving to Mass where you could legally transfer it to me?
BTW no need, my Neighbor just became a cop and his department allows officers to buy personal weapons, and of course as a citizen with an LTC he can sell personal guns.
So I’m all set if I have another White Whale I must have.
A thought experiment for Massachusetts Progressives:
Scenario 1: The Supreme Court overturns Row v. Wade. A state (for argument, let’s call it “GA”) outlaws abortion. A pregnant woman who is a resident of “GA” goes to Chattanooga for an abortion. Does the state of “GA” have the right to prosecute her?
Scenario 2: The Supreme Court declares that you have a personal right to possess firearms in your home to defend yourself. A state (for argument, let’s call it “MA”) passes a law that makes firearm X illegal in the state. A woman in “MA” goes to Portsmouth to buy firearm X. Does the state of “MA” have the right to prosecute her.
The assignment to Massachusetts Progressives: compare and contrast Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Show your work.
That’s an outstanding idea Borepatch.
Borepatch: Current federal law requires you to buy your handgun from an in-state resident or FFL.
I think that’s his whole point. If the Feds would get the hell out of the way on interstate commerce, what would be the harm?