Is this News

So pastor Sideburns decides to finally burn a Koran. Good for him, its a dick thing to do, but the 1st Amendment is OK with you being a dick.

Fundamentalist illiterates who have never read the Koran or a newspaper, or likely have a news service get told a Hogwash story by their Imams that Americans all over are burning piles of Korans just because they make such a lovely light. MSM decides to blame muttonchops for his “hatred” (tho let’s face it, its because they hate those who strongly believe in Jesus). The Fundi-illiterates end up killing a bunch of UN people. I personally hate the UN, and frankly while I don’t like murder I can’t shed too much tears for globalist pukes.

Of course Anti-Freedom puke Lindsey Graham thinks the 1st Amendment is a problem that needs “common sense” solutions. Sorry, Lindsey, but the same freedom that protects you from saying asshole things like that are the same that protect Muttonchops.

If you don’t like murder maybe you should be pissed at the angry-mob that stormed the UN…or maybe you should be pissed at the Globalist Pukes for setting up shop in such a savage neolithic land. If you really dislike freedom, maybe you’d be better off in a land where they cut woman’s noses off for being uppity.

This is a land where we respect the freedom of people to do good, evil, or just plain asshole, so long as it only directly harms themselves. And certainly while I may disagree with Muttonchops for his religious and political beliefs, as well as his choice of facial hair, I 100% agree that these troglodytes natural state is murderous angry mobs, and really Muttonchops actions are no more a cause of this than the moon’s rotation.

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0 Responses to Is this News

  1. alcade says:

    When looking at all the flags and Bibles the Muslims burn, I wonder if one day they will wake up and say “Hey, we’re a bunch of stupid hypocrites!” Probably not.

    If you ever get a chance, read “America Alone” by Mark Steyn. It is an excellent account of native born birthrates in western countries. According to Steyn, America and Australia are the last western countries that have positive population growth from native borns and not Muslim immigrants.

    There’s also a few gun references. And it’s hilarious. I got mine from my local library.

  2. Bob S. says:

    After 9/11 millions of Muslims celebrated the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans.
    American flags and bibles have been burnt numerous times.

    If an American retaliated by killing Muslims, does anyone think the media would blame the Muslims?
    I don’t.

    Just another example of their bias and willingness to excuse the actions of murderous thugs.

  3. AuricTech says:

    “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it (unless, of course, it offends a Designated Victim Group).”

    Senator Voltaire Graham, 3 April 2011

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    So a bunch of “Barbarian Savages” (Tam’s moniker for them, BTW) goes Ape, kills each other, and storms a bunch of UN troops who have to call back to the East River to return Fire, and they get smacked down because they aren’t allowed to put Ammo in their Guns, and all this happened because ONE book was burned (MAYBE!) a Month ago?

    Please explain how this is Bad Thing? And do you know where I put my Zippo?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      If only the TSA could be stationed there…

      Again I don’t condone murder or any of the acts of these troglidytes, but I must say, better UN goons than say US Marines…or even US reporters.

  5. Linoge says:

    Hey, do not knock the sideburns!

    And while burning books is just generally stupid (I typically disapprove of the willful destruction of functional equipment; books are just physical representation of data that is available elsewhere these days; really, what was his point?; etc.), it is his right to deal with his property as he sees fit, and if he decides to burn that property on some more of his property, then that is his call.

    Now, if he were to burn someone else’s property, and/or do it on someone else’s land, then we might have a case for some degree of disagreement, but until he crosses that line, people going “tsk tsk” at him can not-so-respectfully get bent.

    And as for Graham, he can get folded and bent. Outside of the military or parent-child relationships, the only person responsible for his actions is himself. Period. Full stop. End of story. If some deranged jackasses go and behead some innocent (relatively speaking) folks over a disagreement with a wholly unrelated party, those murders are on them, not on the person with whom they had the disagreement. Somehow it does not surprise me that one of our duly-elected “representatives” has no understanding of the notion of “individual responsibility”.

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