It Gets Better the Music Video

Just discovered this video for the It Gets Better Project

Good tune for a good cause!

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0 Responses to It Gets Better the Music Video

  1. MedicMatthew says:

    Dude, that’s awesome! Thanks for posting this. I shall proceed to pimp it on the Facebooks!

  2. McThag says:

    In Ames, Iowa, the only group that got picked on worse than we gaming geeks were the gay kids.

    They were also the only group that offered us any help or sympathy.

    That went a long ways towards making me straight, but not narrow.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I had my worst time in elementary school when the cliques seemed to be very binary. Boy/girl, popular/unpopular.

      In Middle and High School I became a band geek which was pretty awesome. Hard to get picked on by Jocks and dopers when there are just as many band geeks and music geeks are there are them.

      But being unpopular and without friends in elementary school was where I learned to stop caring what other people think and follow my own path. I will say those were painful years, but that lesson is probably the most important one, and why I’m so happy now.

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