JD Was Right

Mumbles Flinched

A midnight deadline passed on Thursday for Occupy Boston protesters to move from their encampment in the city’s financial district, but police did not evict them…As midnight approached, Occupy Boston members began organizing those demonstrators willing to be arrested, telling them to stay in the encampment and link arms. But the police made no arrests and did not remove any tents.

Shameful. And JD called it dead on!

Do you really think Menino can do it? I don’t think he has the guts to go beyone saying to them “GO HOME NOW or I will say GO HOME again!”

Anti-Freedom, Pro-Criminal. Embarassing

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0 Responses to JD Was Right

  1. jd says:

    I wish I had been wrong, but here in MA we are all equal. . . some more than others. . . and OWS is above our petty serf laws those are for the rest of us, not the Mayors friends. . . A sad day when they get to the point they don’t even try to hide it any more. . . .

  2. jd says:

    I wonder, if they had run them out and hit them with the fire hoses would the EPA be going after Menino? I mean think about it. . . . all the hippy filth and drugs would gt washed into the storm drains then into Boston Harbor. . . and we just got that cleaned up!

  3. Pingback: OK, Well Played BPD | Weer'd World

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