Join Me

Looks like Mitt Romney is going to be running for President….again.

Will you join me in not voting for this big-government asshole? Unless of course you like higher taxes, bigger government, and hate private firearm ownership…which is handy when this is the jerk who coined the idea that the government should force you at gun-point to buy Heath Insurance against your will, wouldn’t want a populace capable of saying “No” simply because such a demand is Unconstitutional.

If forced into it I will vote for Barack Obama over Mitt Romney. This is not hyperbole, this is the truth. You see I moved to Massachusetts shortly after Mr. Romney was elected Governor, and witnessed all the tax hikes, gun bans, Romneycare, and of course the strong adherence of the ultra-liberal anti-freedom status quo.

Then Romney attempted to run for President, and we got Governor Deval Patrick, I’ve often called this physical and mental midget “Barack Obama Jr” because he really is just a scale model of our current president. He grew up in Chicago (What’s scary is he sound EXACTLY like Criminal Governor Rod Blagojevich), he’s African American, and a racist, and was elected mostly on his speaking ability, and his chants of “Hope and Change” and “Together we Can”. Of course being Massachusetts he held office to a Democrat Supermajority in the Legislature, and despite this partisan rout, he didn’t bother getting anything done, and instead chose to buy himself lavish gifts on the tax payer’s dime, and go on elaborate junkets.

While Deval Patrick (and Barack Obama) are my ideological enemies, I like Patrick much better than Romney, because while Romney is not such a hard-line socialist as either of them, he’s also not a lazy jet-setter more interested in living the life of luxury than actually using the power of office. So while Obama and Patrick might pose a bigger threat to me in their “Perfect World” Romney has the resume that say he WILL create his own Authoritarian Utopia.

I won’t let that happen, and instead will vote for President Stupid to fly to exotic lands to bow to foreign leaders, and give meaningless speeches, than this guy who will actually push and sign laws that limit human rights.

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0 Responses to Join Me

  1. alcade says:

    It’ll be a cold day in hell before I vote for someone who helped institute socialized medicine.

    Although he did promise to “spread the karma around…”

  2. RobertM says:

    I’m with you Weerd.

  3. LC Scotty says:

    OT: How’s the boycott going, and how will we judge it?


  4. bluesun says:

    Mickey Mouse is looking more and more like a compelling write-in…

  5. Wally says:

    I left PRM under Romney’s term. Health care + MA AWB ?

    Running against Barry, he’d definitely take a large portion of the disenfranchised.

  6. guffaw says:

    Not the President, not Romney!
    Hello, is there anyone out there?

  7. Jay G. says:

    I’ll vote for Øbama over Romney *IF* (***BIG*** IF) the Stupid party keeps the House and/or takes back the Senate.

    With Øbama as Pres and GOP House/Senate, we get four years of stalemate – think 1996 – 2000.

    With Romney as Pres and GOP House/Senate, we get four years of Stupid party nannyism – think 2000 – 2004…

  8. Old NFO says:

    Trump is looking better and better…

  9. Wally says:

    You know what’s funny? MA just gave up all of their electoral votes. I’m not sure what to make of that, since those in MA have the bitter memories still fresh!

  10. Linoge says:

    Might be the first time I vote third party in a Presidential election, this…

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