Just Give Them What They Want

Well first, giving somebody something because they threatened you with violence simply encourages that behavior. So my overall feelings are use your judgement and whenever possible resist violence.

Still there are times when you have no choice at all.

NAPLES, Fla. (AP) — Sheriff’s officials in southwest Florida say a clerk at a 24-hour food store shot and killed a man who tried to rob her and take her 1-year-old daughter.

Store owner Del Ackerman told the Naples Daily News (http://bit.ly/rnKaJe ) his granddaughter shot the man after he stormed into the store Tuesday afternoon and demanded money and grabbed the stroller that held her baby.

We can debate all day long if the money in the register or your wallet is worth taking another person’s life. (Of course if they’re threatening a life they’ve pointed out its WELL worth it to them), but when it comes to somebody taking your child you need to fight or come to terms with the fact that you may never see your child alive again, and that their last moments on Earth will likely be horrible.

If that’s not enough reason to carry ALL THE TIME what is? Somebody tries to take your child SHOOT THE BASTARD!

Now let’s do the score.

One less criminal on the street.

No need for a court trial or penal system.

The local scumbags are going to hear this story and at least a few of them are going to think about it when they attempt to jack a convenience store or ply other criminal trade where armed civilians might be.

Two kids that know for a fact how much Mommy loves them and to what ends she’ll go to keep them safe.

And because they disgust me note that the anti-rights advocates would prefer that this monster abduct the child and do what he will to her. That is what THEY stand for.

Carry your damn guns people.

h/t Duck

**Update** According to this story she intentionally shot in him in the knee. It could have been that was the best possible shot and the “Easterly did just as she had been taught — she drew a gun and aimed for the would-be robber’s knee” is just bad reporting. But this is yet another reason to avoid extremity shots. She aimed at a small, easy-to-miss body-part that can move MUCH faster than the torso can…and the man is still dead, even in a major urban area with immediate medical response.

Don’t fuck around people, a gun is a tool for lethal force, aim for the center-of-mass or the largest target presented to you, remember the 4 rules, and keep shooting until the threat is stopped.

Don’t go for “Trick shots” or “Shoot to Wound”, there’s really no place you can shoot a person and both stop them and deal a wound so superficial that they will survive with immediate medical attention.

Also remember that with any gun, but especially a handgun there is also no place where you can place a bullet and expect them to drop graveyard dead 100% of the time. What’s worth shooting once, is worth shooting twice!

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0 Responses to Just Give Them What They Want

  1. Pingback: SayUncle » Just give them what they want

  2. Brad_in_MA says:


    Regarding your very last thought . . . . when in doubt, EMPTY THE MAGAZINE.

    – Brad

  3. Mr Evilwrench says:

    The money in the register is a misdirection. The fact he’s threatened me for it is enough, but if he threatens my child, one or the other of us is dying right there. I will not be trying to wound him, and I will not stop unless I am incapacitated. It may have been necessary for her to aim to the extremity because the bad guy was holding her child up to his center mass. You do what you have to.

  4. DirtCrashr says:

    Shots to the thigh have a good chance of breaking bone and wrecking the femoral artery so that exsanguination can occur.

  5. Linoge says:

    I shoot to stop the threat. If that means emptying a magazine of 9mm hollow points into someone’s thoracic cavity, so be it. If that means taking the shot that is available on whatever portion of his body he left visible, so be it. While intentionally shooting for the knee is unquestionably a Very Bad Idea (TM) (aim small, miss small), taking the shots you have (so long as you are sure you can make them) is generally not.

    I second your disgust about the anti-rights cultists, though… In their “perfect” world, the store would have been robbed, the child would have been kidnapped/abducted, and the mother might have been wounded/killed for her trouble (because I can guarantee you she still would have resisted, just not as effectively). That is no way for a society to be.

  6. 45er says:

    I surely hope the reason for the extremity shot was that was the only choice at hand, not that it was the choice she made. With a child involved, there could have been center of mass obstruction. I’m only hypothesizing here. If you’re taking an extremity shot by choice, it means you didn’t make the mental decision to do what you need to do if necessary. Regardless, good for her for having them means and ability to protect her and her family.

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