Keep Out of Boston Tonight

Knowing the “Peceful Protest” that is Occupy Boston, and the greater Kill The Jews movement, there will be blood.

Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino today gave Occupy Boston protesters a midnight deadline to leave their Dewey Square encampment.

Go over there for the picture. And that’s the part that aren’t mounds of human waste. What a mess these Nazis have made, and for what?

Still I suspect there will be a riot and arrests, so stay clear of Boston tonight if you can.

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0 Responses to Keep Out of Boston Tonight

  1. bluesun says:

    Powe hipster babies… have to pick up their messes.

  2. jd says:

    Do you really think Menino can do it? I don’t think he has the guts to go beyone saying to them “GO HOME NOW or I will say GO HOME again!”

  3. alcade says:

    I was listening to “public radio” extoll the virtues of OWS this morning, and it seems the protesters are now going to begin camping out in the front yards of foreclosure victims (it’ll be better publicity in the front yard, not the back, the announcer advised) instead of parks.

    The announcer made sure to ask “Now no one has been rude or violent or anything like that, HAVE THEY?

    No, of course not!

    Maybe if they’re evicted, they’ll come to your front yard, Weerd! “Need any hired goons, sir?”

  4. Pingback: JD Was Right | Weer'd World

  5. Jay G. says:

    I think I can safely say that any OWS protestor who tried to camp in Weerd’s front yard would be in for an EXTREMELY unpleasant time.

    And getting his fool ass shot would actually be one of the *nicer* things that could happen!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      There are things that are more pleasurable for me, and unpleasant for the Anti-Semite than getting shot. Also there are a few things that I saw in some movies (xxx and otherwise) that I’m curious about.

      So come on down Nazis, there’s plenty to go around!

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